Post Fri Nov 12, 2004 2:49 pm

OpenSP and my mod.

All right... I've sent an email to Chips (I assume that that's his current address, since he's a mod) about this issue, but I haven't heard back from him. I'm sure he's just busy, not ignoring me, so I'm going to ask here.

Basically, I've had requests from folks to make my mod SP-playable. Obviously people cannot play through the plot- starting up my mod by itself without running a multiplayer server results in CTD, which is not going to change.

What I did think of... and try out... was to run Chips/Xerx's OpenSP mod.

It works, but there are a number of very strange bugs, and I wanted to know if anybody else has run into these problems:

1. I have very purposefully gotten rid of the starsphere, nebula and starscape in the mod, and yet with the OpenSP mod running, I see it when I play the game. What gives? OpenSP doesn't contain any INI files pertaining to the Li01 system, so far as I can tell, other than specifying that people start there.

2. Other people have reported, and I've been able to replicate... that missions don't spawn correctly. Again, what gives? In multiplayer without the mod installed, they work just fine... with OpenSP they don't.

I didn't really plan to support any SP experience of this game, but there's been a lot of interest in it, and if somebody with more DLL-editing experience than I have (I have zero, which should be obvious to those looking at the lack of customized Infocards in my mod thus far) could take a look at OpenSP and tell me what's up, I'd appreciate it...