Making infocards and factions
Ok i am using good old, but not that good, FLE (freelancer explorer). Anyway, the infocards on it never work, we all know it, and names of bases never stick, how can i make them stick and make infocards by not doing it via FLE, in otherwords writing out the code myself.
Secondly i want to make a new faction(s) for the system(s) i am making, can anyone point me in the right way for a tutorial to make one, preferably one that is for complete noobs aswell, or can be understood by them so that they don't need to just be copying and pasting the whole code but acutally making their own to a certain extent.
From Larnu
Secondly i want to make a new faction(s) for the system(s) i am making, can anyone point me in the right way for a tutorial to make one, preferably one that is for complete noobs aswell, or can be understood by them so that they don't need to just be copying and pasting the whole code but acutally making their own to a certain extent.
From Larnu