Unlocking the NY side Alaska JumpGate
As the name says it, I wish to modify the Alaska JumpGate to make it unlocked by the NY side and locked by the Alaska side... I need this for MP...
Is there a way to do this? I need this to make that once players come into the modded part of the server, they can'T get out of it. So that ppl without the mod can play in normal systems while that ppl with it could play into the special PvP Systems. Locking the jumpgate on one side would prevent that modded players go out of special systems. Any idea? Or is this idea possible?
Is there a way to do this? I need this to make that once players come into the modded part of the server, they can'T get out of it. So that ppl without the mod can play in normal systems while that ppl with it could play into the special PvP Systems. Locking the jumpgate on one side would prevent that modded players go out of special systems. Any idea? Or is this idea possible?