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make npc''s use docking ring ?

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:11 am

First about sort. What I've found is that in some systems every zone as a different sort = value, from 1 up to 59. Most systems have however sort =99. I feel that sort = value in zones is a residu of earlier programming insights and has been abandoned later. I suggest using sort = 99, which seems to be a 'don't care' value.

Encounter toughness. Your assumption on the first value is right. Prove for that can be found in the various system.ini's, Hi02 is especially interesting while it is the system with the highest fighter toughness. My guess for now is that the second value determines the chance that you will encounter the toughness you set with the first value.


Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 1:07 pm

WTF are you trying to do? Post in enlish, simply and easily what you want, as i cannot be bothered to read the whole thread!!Have you sorted the problem of them docking or not, and what else are you after?

Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 1:30 pm

I'm looking at this mod, and I don't know where your new system is Directions?

Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency

Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:07 pm

Oh, sorry...

I appears on the system map between Chugoku and Tohoku in Kusari space. When I was examining the system numbers in the iniverse.ini that seemed like a number that was vacant. I did not know at the time where it was, to me it was just a number. I did not send you the DLL file that contains all the numbers for the planets and such. My oversight. I just thought you would take a look at the code. If you are actually trying to view it though you will, I suppose, need that too. I will send it now. I have never made a Mod Manager mod as these things were for my own enjoyment, but if you think it could warrant it I guess I should think about maybe doing that. There are two other systems that go with it that are down in the Liberty area as well, but solving some of these little problems like the docking ring thing is a one at a time kind of thing. There are, I know, many other more polished mods out there and I know I cannot compete with those. Thank you for taking the time to help me.

Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:16 pm

Mr. Chips...

Sorry if you don't think I am writing in english. I have not sorted out the problem with the docking ring. I write this way because I am frustrated by the use of inconcise, bastardized, abbreviated writing with no soul that leads to misunderstanding and incomplete answers. I come, I guess, from another time when thought, and its expression in the written word, meant something. Sorry if it irritates you. I mean no offense.

Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:33 pm

To BuckDanny...

Got it on the sort thing... I will take steps.
"encounter =" second number as a percentage of possiblity for having the encounter be with a group with its full potential of experience? That is very interesting. 1 being full potential and anything less being a group of lesser experience? Is that what you mean? Or is it the possibility for any encounter at all?

Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 3:24 pm

The 2nd value being the percentage that an encounter will occur is certainly not to be ruled out. I think if you would ask most people that is what they would answer.
That it might be the percentage of getting toughness 18 level came into my mind when reading your observations.


Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 3:36 pm

This is something that would require a good deal of experimentation to sort out. It is not readily apparent to me how to test our thesis one way or another. It would become more difficult without isolation of all the factors involved in an encounter, over some of which we have no control. Perhaps someone else has more information relative to the second number stream in the "encounter =" section. In the end, it is not as important as the first figure in making meaningful changes to the NPC's though. At least that is an immediate demonstrable difference. Thanks for bearing with me in this question!

I mean you could tell right away if by setting the number very low and having no opposition show up if it realted to chance of encounter at all. But what would be more difficult would be seeing if it made any substantial difference to the level of "toughness" of the opposition if they did show up... see what I mean?

Edited by - JustSomeGuy on 7/18/2004 4:40:54 PM

Post Mon Jul 19, 2004 12:48 am

Right, final warning no this thread. Right now it seems to be a discussion between you two, use EMAIL.

Reason for warning, you post MULTIPLE posts EACH day one after the other! USE THE EDIT BUTTON!!!!!!
When you edit a thread it BUMPS it back to top ANYWAY, so it won't make any difference if you post or edit, the only difference is that you are not trollin post counts.

Don't like what i just said, then read the forum rules! EDIT EDIT EDIT!

Post Mon Jul 19, 2004 12:23 pm

To Chips:
I feel offended by your attitude regardless what the rules might be.
I am responding to questions and help asked. I noticed you earlier to be harsh on Justoneguy.
If I was after trolling post counts I have been posting silly, nonsense reactions like I saw many others do.
But if that's the way you feel to have to moderate okay, I won't be sharing info in this board again. By the way, what I don't understand is why you actually have this ridicilous system of promoting someone for making entries in the first place.


Post Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:19 pm

While I agree over the multiple posts, I have to argue that there are others of us participating as well.
This forum is partly to help people with modding problems. If he just happends to be the only one who can help, then they have to talk to each other.
OTher people can read what's happening, and where neccessary help out.

Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency

Post Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:31 pm

I thank BuckDanny and Zack for their support. I hope they will continue to use the forum as they are a valued part of it, not just for me, but for hundreds of others. If they cease responding to me because of your remarks then I am bereft but so be it. They should continue to input to those in need.

Chips: Sir, I object to your remarks! I don't know why it is you have taken a dislike to me. First you complained that I wasn't using English and that my posts were too long and you couldn't be bothered reading them. Now you want to shut us down because you feel we are having a conversation on the forum. I was learning a lot from BuckDanny, Zack, Harrier, and several others. I did not know until two days ago that the little "edit" icon or the "profile" icon existed or might be useful. When prompted by a member I started using them. If you notice, in several of my recent posts here, and in my other threads, there are edits.

If you are insulted because I objected to "basterdized" english and the use of wording in a reply as if we were using cell phone keyboards, then perhaps this is not the place for you to be moderating. Perhaps you would be happier with a job at Sprint! There you could read all the abbreviated, hashed up, immature use of language that you could stand. Me... I prefer the written word in its dictionary form. If BackedPotato, a man of approximately my age, and the other moderators feel we have violated some "rule" of which I and the others good enough to respond to my quesitons were not aware, then I will desist. I know I was not "trolling" for input count. I could have made my questions a lot sloppier, causing confusion, and requiring a greater reply number than those that now exist without any notice from you whatever. I have read other threads less concise than this and with many off subject responses that garnered no reprimands.

If we used email to discuss the technical aspects of the problem we are trying to solve, than others who might be interested in the answers, and those whose knowledge is greater than ours and who could share that knowledge would both be left out and Lancer's Reactor would be the poorer for it. Is that what you truly want?

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:58 am

My word, i have nothing against what your saying, originally it was unclear that you had had your problem solved. Secondly - i said there is email if your just discussing ideas etc - but you can use this. I never said you cannot.

HOwever, like i DID say, and regardless of what you think, PLEASE use the edit button. I would have thought that obvious. Use the edit button, and its all fine. Post 5 posts a day in the same thread, and its not. Simple.

However, for your own benefits, maybe some searching on the forums will yield all the answers you are trying to find, as its been done in detail for encounters - including what the values. Have a look and you will find what you are looking for.

Then again, since you have only recently found the edit button - i guess that you hadn't looked for a search either. Maybe if people read rules first then they would be familiar with them, and know of the functions (ie - search and edit).

Edited by - Chips on 7/20/2004 4:02:38 AM

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:45 pm

Alright... Peace then. I will re-read the rules since I only read them once when I first started here over a year ago.

The teensy weensy little icons really never entered my conciousness until someone in another thread mentioned them to me. I did use them after that, but only just recently.

Oh... I did use the search funtion a couple of times, but it seemed a bit unaware when using words. It finds numbers pretty well though. I looked for the tutorial on infocardmap.ini but it returned nothing, yet it was indeed there when someone else told me the date of the entry and I used that.

Edited by - JustSomeGuy on 7/20/2004 9:04:18 PM

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