Someone please help me get the Flying Saucer mod to work? Ma
I would like to be able just to start a new sp game without the campaign and use it. Now by default, the ship is supposed to be available from three bases, none of which are in Liberty.
If I edit the script.xml file adding more "<data file="data\equipment\market_ships.ini" method="sectionreplace> <section>[BaseGood base = Ku03_03_base</section>" (etc.) sections to specify the bases in Liberty that sell ships, the mod still activates, but when I start the game the ship isn't available there.
If I do not edit the script, but instead use OpenSP at the same time as Flying Saucer (ignoring FLMod's warnings) the ship is not even available at those three bases.
Would someone please look at the script for flying saucer and tell me what to do? It's a short script.
Thanks in advance. Best wishes.
"Ruprecht the monkey boy" is a reference to a scene in the movie "DIrty Rotten Scoundrels".