Fri May 07, 2004 4:15 am by SuBXeRo
well, yes and know. What are you trying to add? IF its weaponry, in shiparch along with the other weapon specs, you need to add for each level you want the new hardpoint name. Say its HpThrust01, which u wont use cause the thrster goes there, add that code in at the end of the line. test it to verify, in some cases if not most it should work, in the long run, if you are going to chnage the hardpoints it is better to go into the .cmp file and change it. it may be more work but in the end it works alot better.
Freelancer is a game that lends itself to modders, if you want it done you can skimp on somethings, if you want it done right, go the extra few lines and ensure it will work right in all cases....
any other questions feel free to contact me
Mess With the Best Die lIke the Rest
Check out my Freelancer Website
AIM SN - SuBZeRo69069 (feel free to IM me if you need any Modding help)