Sun May 02, 2004 2:29 pm by ra5or
with regards to moonhead post...
if u are trying to use factions with factions, ie groups why not do the following
edit the initalworld.ini eg. say u wanted 2 lots of liberty navy but with same info etc.. simply copy
nickname = li_n_grp <-- make this li_n1_grp
ids_name = 196846
ids_info = 66200
ids_short_name = 196895
rep = 0.91, li_n_grp
rep = 0.91, li_n1_grp <-- add this (make sure u balance rep out with other factions in inital worlds also)
rep = 0.91, li_lsf_grp
rep = 0.91, li_p_grp
rep = 0.65, br_n_grp
rep = 0.65, br_p_grp
rep = 0.65, ku_n_grp
rep = 0, ku_p_grp
rep = 0.65, rh_n_grp
rep = 0, rh_p_grp
rep = 0.65, co_alg_grp
rep = 0.65, co_be_grp
rep = 0.65, br_m_grp
rep = 0.65, co_nws_grp
rep = 0.91, co_hsp_grp
rep = 0.91, co_ic_grp
rep = 0, co_khc_grp
rep = 0.65, co_kt_grp
rep = 0, rh_m_grp
rep = 0.91, co_me_grp
rep = 0.91, co_ni_grp
rep = 0.91, co_os_grp
rep = 0.65, co_rs_grp
rep = 0.65, co_shi_grp
rep = 0.91, co_ss_grp
rep = 0.65, co_ti_grp
rep = 0.91, co_vr_grp
rep = 0, fc_bd_grp
rep = 0, fc_b_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_c_grp
rep = 0, fc_fa_grp
rep = 0, fc_g_grp
rep = 0, fc_gc_grp
rep = 0, fc_h_grp
rep = 0, fc_j_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_lh_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_lr_grp
rep = 0, fc_lwb_grp
rep = 0, fc_m_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_ou_grp
rep = 0, fc_rh_grp
rep = 0, fc_or_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_u_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_x_grp
rep = 0, gd_gm_grp
rep = 0, fc_uk_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_n_grp
rep = 0.91, fc_ln_grp
rep = 0.65, fc_kn_grp
rep = 0.65, fc_rn_grp
rep = 0, fc_ouk_grp
rep = 0, fc_q_grp
rep = 0, fc_f_grp
rep = 0, gd_im_grp
rep = 0, gd_z_grp
rep = 0, gd_bh_grp
in data\missions\empathy.ini again copy
group = li_n1_grp <--- change to this
event = object_destruction, -0.030000
event = random_mission_success, 0.085900
event = random_mission_failure, -0.045000
event = random_mission_abortion, -0.067500
empathy_rate = li_lsf_grp, 0.400000
empathy_rate = li_p_grp, 0.350000
empathy_rate = br_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = br_p_grp, 0
empathy_rate = ku_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = ku_p_grp, 0
empathy_rate = rh_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = rh_p_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_shi_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_khc_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_kt_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = br_m_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_me_grp, 0.275000
empathy_rate = co_be_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_rs_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_vr_grp, 0.250000
empathy_rate = co_ni_grp, 0.300000
empathy_rate = rh_m_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_ti_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_ic_grp, 0.250000
empathy_rate = co_ss_grp, 0.300000
empathy_rate = co_hsp_grp, 0.250000
empathy_rate = co_alg_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_os_grp, 0.200000
empathy_rate = co_nws_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_c_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_ou_grp, -0.400000
empathy_rate = fc_rh_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_bd_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_j_grp, -0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_h_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_m_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_x_grp, -0.450000
empathy_rate = fc_b_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_g_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_lh_grp, -0.350000
empathy_rate = fc_u_grp, -0.025000
empathy_rate = fc_gc_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_lwb_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_fa_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_lr_grp, -0.250000
empathy_rate = fc_or_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_gm_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_uk_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_ln_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_kn_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_rn_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_ouk_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_q_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_f_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_im_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_z_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_bh_grp, 0.2
then in faction_prop again copy this
affiliation = li_n1_grp <-- change this
legality = lawful
nickname_plurality = singular
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_faction_li_n
jump_preference = jumpgate
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d1-3
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d4
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d5
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d6
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d7
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d8
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d9
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d10
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d11-19
npc_ship = li_n_cruiser_d22
npc_ship = li_n_dreadnought_d25
voice = pilot_f_mil_m01
voice = pilot_f_mil_m02
voice = pilot_f_leg_f01
voice = pilot_f_leg_f01a
mc_costume = mc_li
space_costume = li_captain_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2
space_costume = li_rockford_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher
space_costume = li_sales_head_hat, li_male_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2
space_costume = ge_male4_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher
space_costume = pl_male2_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2
space_costume = ge_male3_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher
space_costume = li_newscaster_head_gen_hat, li_female_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2_female
space_costume = li_newscaster_head_gen_hat, li_female_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher_female
space_costume = br_newscaster_head_gen_hat, li_female_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2_female
space_costume = br_newscaster_head_gen_hat, li_female_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher_female
space_costume = pl_female2_head, li_female_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2_female
space_costume = pl_female2_head, li_female_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher_female
firstname_male = 226608, 226741
firstname_female = 226808, 226952
lastname = 227008, 227307
rank_desig = 197002, 197003, 197004, 6, 9
formation_desig = 197808, 197820
large_ship_desig = 196976
large_ship_names = 202608, 202647
scan_for_cargo = commodity_alien_artifacts, 1
scan_for_cargo = commodity_cardamine, 2
scan_announce = true
scan_chance = 0.3
formation = fighters, fighter_li_n
once u have done that u will have 2x liberty navy using same info cards and names etc but u can referance group 1 as li_n_grp and group 2 as li_n1_grp
hope this helps