Post Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:32 am

Modelers needed for the WW2 mod

Up till now the WW2 team (responsible for making the WW2 ship packs) consists of Necrolord (thats me) and Rayak. Rayak is the WW2 plane expert and I'm the ship maker (modder). My exams are coming up I haven't got much time available for modding cause of the studying, so I think it's about time we asked for help. # Anyone who's interested in joining our team (even temporarily) please send me an email at [email protected]

Right now we need ship modelers, so anyone is welcome as long as he know the basics. All you need to know is how to make the model in milkshape - gmax. The rest I can do. This is a good way for new modders to get some experience, as planes are farely easy to make. If you're not sure you'll like making planes, try it out. Credits will be given to everyone who helps.