This is one of the blocks in your pilots_pop. that determines whether or not a pilot will flee:
nickname = basic_job_no_formation <---this is just one and can be referenced in [Pilot block
wait_for_leader_target = False
flee_when_leader_flees_style = False
scene_toughness_threshold = hard
flee_scene_threat_style = hard
flee_when_hull_damaged_percent = 0.100000
flee_no_weapons_style = True
loot_flee_threshold = hard
attack_subtarget_order = anything
field_targeting = high_density
loot_preference = lt_commodities
force_attack_formation = False
combat_drift_distance = 25000
attack_preference = fighter, 5000, guns / guided / unguided
attack_preference = freighter, 5000, guns / guided / unguided
attack_preference = transport, 5000, guns / guided / unguided
attack_preference = anything, 5000, guns / guided / unguided
lines in bold are what probably determines if a pilot will flee an opponent based on opponent's toughness. I have no clue how FL actually makes the calculation that determines if a scene is easy/medium/hard/hardest.
Edit = @Rsdnt-Evle: I read your original posting and ittan's reply and then went off to find you an answer, type it up and post it. When I was finished I went off to do other things. I then come back to find a third post and find out that while I was writing up an answer to try and help, you posted this:
I get a kick out of some of their comments. That's the only reason I was asking about it.
While I've got no problem trying to help people, especially due to the fact that others have gone so far out of their way to help me, it kind of ticks me off to find out you don't really give a damn about the answer. If you don't really want to know then please don't ask the question or at least state such in your original post. If you didn't have a real editing question then this topic didn't belong here in the first place it should have been in the FL Discussion forum.
Please, from now on don't ask editing questions you don't really want the answer to and save others time. Thanks.
Edited by - kaegogi on 4/19/2004 9:35:27 PM