Galaxy maps and coordinates
Hello guys I'm relatively new to FL (less than a month now), but i have noticed something when looking through the tutorials and such. When creating your own galaxy perse and you set a planets position it uses three numbers thus 0,0,0 .. the thing I have noticed is the second number is always 0. Has anyone attempted to place a positive or negative number here to place an object above / below the galaxies horizon. I'm basicaly wondering if by using positive / negative number in the second number slot if you could create a true universe. Maybe I am off on this and the second number is used but like I said in all the tutorails I have been able to find on creating your own galaxies / systems the second number is always 0. If this could be used in such a way then the fl universe could be greatly expanded upon and the number of systems in the galaxy greatly increased. Thanks for an answers.
Edited by - Tahlon on 2/18/2004 9:23:24 AM
Edited by - Tahlon on 2/18/2004 9:23:24 AM