Kremit Quote:
"uhm... i do recall seeing a line of code which was: "rotation = 0,-1,0" and my guess on that would be it rotates counter clockwise on the y-axis. Now you have to figure out where that line goes... =\"
Your correct kremit, but it's acually spin= not rotation=, line of code is how you get a planet to spin/spin at diffrent speeds. As to where it goes it goes in the system ini file where the planet is refrenced, ex:
nickname = LINAC_05
ids_name =458796
pos =-9000, 0, -69500
rotate =0, 0, 0
ambient_color =255, 0, 0
Archetype = planet_earthcity_4000
ids_info =524322
spin=0, 0.01, 0 ;This is the line that makes the planet rotate or spin
burn_color=160, 222, 245
base = LINAC_05_Base
reputation = co_aci_grp
visit =0
This is one of the plants from my mod, as you can see the spin line is there, this one currtnly makes the planet sping fairly fast at the moment, i havnt played with the 'speeds' or anything else with it as yet, but if you do this it will spin. Hope that helps
James "Quickshot14" Greenwood<br>
QSD (Quickshot14's Domain<br>
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Edited by - Quickshot14 on 21-11-2003 12:35:46