Post Fri Nov 14, 2003 5:25 am

Suggestions for a new modder?

I've been starting out modding Freelancer, and I'm wondering what more things to change.

So far, I've altered all the ship speeds to make combat more frenetic. I've also changed the shot velocities of weapons in line with this.

I want to add some more ships, but being unable to make new models, I'm just going to make some 'Mark II' versions of existing Freelancers ships that will look identical but be more powerful. This should be straighforward enough. I'm also going to add Capital ships as 'encounterable' vessels.

I'm wondering what else I can and/or should add? I want to make the game more challenging and varied, but not ruin the balance. (Bear in mind I'm not going to be able to make full-on conversions like the Star Wars or B5 mods)