Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:21 am by Twycross448
Mh, I don't think this is the problem, but you know what? I'll just list the code for all the ini's here. Maybe someone sees something I am too blind to see. ^_^"
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
nickname = dart_lf1_hull
category = shiphull
ship = dart_lf1
price = 1
ids_name = 12013
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\dart.3db
nickname = dart_mf1_hull
category = shiphull
ship = dart_mf1
price = 1
ids_name = 12014
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\dart.3db
nickname = dart_lf1_package
category = ship
hull = dart_lf1_hull
addon = ge_dart_engine_02, internal, 1
addon = dart_power01, internal, 1
addon = dart_scanner_01, internal, 1
addon = dart_tractor_01, internal, 1
addon = dart_thruster_01, HpThruster01, 1
addon = dart_thruster_01, HpThruster02, 1
addon = dart_shield_02, HpShield01, 1
addon = SlowSmallRed, HpRunningLight01, 1
addon = SlowSmallRed, HpRunningLight02, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight03, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight04, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight05, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail01, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail02, 1
addon = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight01, 1
addon = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight02, 1
nickname = dart_mf1_package
category = ship
hull = dart_mf1_hull
addon = ge_dart_engine_02, internal, 1
addon = dart_power01, internal, 1
addon = dart_scanner_01, internal, 1
addon = dart_tractor_01, internal, 1
addon = dart_thruster_01, HpThruster01, 1
addon = dart_thruster_01, HpThruster02, 1
addon = dart_shield_01, HpShield01, 1
addon = SlowSmallRed, HpRunningLight01, 1
addon = SlowSmallRed, HpRunningLight02, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight03, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight04, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight05, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight06, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight07, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight08, 1
addon = SlowSmallRed, HpRunningLight09, 1
addon = SlowSmallRed, HpRunningLight10, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail01, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail02, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail03, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail04, 1
addon = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight01, 1
addon = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight02, 1
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
marketgood = dart_vhf2_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
marketgood = dart_mf1_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
marketgood = dart_lf1_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
ids_name = 525291
ids_info = 458857
ids_info1 = 458858
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 458859
ship_class = 0
nickname = dart_lf1
LODranges = 0, 99999, 99999, 99999
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_lfighter
mission_property = can_use_berths
type = FIGHTER
DA_archetype = ships\dart\lf1\lf1.cmp
material_library = Ships\dart\lf1\lf1.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = cockpits\dart\dart_lf1_cockpit.ini
pilot_mesh = generic_pilot
nanobot_limit = 80
shield_battery_limit = 80
mass = 75.000000
hold_size = 70
linear_drag = 1.000000
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship01, 0.000000, 1050
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship02, 0.000000, 525
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship03, 0.000000, 350
max_bank_angle = 50
camera_offset = 12, 46
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.050000
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 17
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 5
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 25
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 1.000000
hit_pts = 10000
explosion_arch = explosion_li_elite
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 750, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
steering_torque = 16000.000000, 16000.000000, 56000.000000
angular_drag = 14000.000000, 14000.000000, 34000.000000
rotation_inertia = 2700.000000, 2700.000000, 900.000000
nudge_force = 30000.000000
strafe_force = 20000
strafe_power_usage = 0
bay_door_anim = Sc_open baydoor
bay_doors_open_snd = cargo_doors_open
bay_doors_close_snd = cargo_doors_close
HP_bay_surface = HpBayDoor01
HP_bay_external = HpBayDoor02
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 6
shield_link = dart_lf1_shield, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_10, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_9, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_8, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_7, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_6, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_5, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_4, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_3, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_10, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_9, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_8, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_7, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_6, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_5, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_4, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01, HpThruster02
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
ids_name = 525292
ids_info = 458860
ids_info1 = 458861
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 458862
ship_class = 1
nickname = dart_mf1
LODranges = 0, 99999, 99999, 99999
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_hfighter
mission_property = can_use_berths
type = FIGHTER
DA_archetype = ships\dart\mf1\mf1.cmp
material_library = Ships\dart\mf1\mf1.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = cockpits\dart\dart_lf1_cockpit.ini
pilot_mesh = generic_pilot
nanobot_limit = 140
shield_battery_limit = 140
mass = 90.000000
hold_size = 100
linear_drag = 1.000000
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship01, 0.000000, 1050
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship02, 0.000000, 525
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship03, 0.000000, 350
max_bank_angle = 40
camera_offset = 12, 46
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.050000
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 17
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 5
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 25
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 1.000000
hit_pts = 14000
explosion_arch = explosion_li_elite
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 750, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
steering_torque = 20000.000000, 20000.000000, 60000.000000
angular_drag = 17000.000000, 17000.000000, 37000.000000
rotation_inertia = 3000.000000, 3000.000000, 1200.000000
nudge_force = 30000.000000
strafe_force = 20000
strafe_power_usage = 0
bay_door_anim = Sc_open baydoor
bay_doors_open_snd = cargo_doors_open
bay_doors_close_snd = cargo_doors_close
HP_bay_surface = HpBayDoor01
HP_bay_external = HpBayDoor02
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 12
shield_link = dart_mf1_shield, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_10, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_9, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_8, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_7, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_6, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_5, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_4, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_3, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_10, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_9, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_8, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_7, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_6, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_5, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_4, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01, HpThruster02
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01, HpTorpedo02
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01, HpTorpedo02
There we go. I haven't balanced them yet, but that shouldn't be the source of our problem here, mh? Well, in any case, if you see something suspicious, please tell me. Oh, don't be surprised about the fact they both use the same icon in the ship dealer list. It's a temporary solution until I find a way to make custom icons without overwriting existing ones. (vmesh reference issue)