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To those that have a problem with SS or TNG

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:36 am


if you wanna take the time and read it, the DCMA clearly states that any attempt to subvert an encryption method on a file is illegal. I assume that when you made your mod you had to use BINI (or some form of it) to decrypt a file, right? THerefore you are in direct violation of the DCMA and under law can be prosecuted by the owner of the code (in our case Microsoft and Digital Anvil).

P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website!

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:34 am

Despite the statement of no flaming, I still see a lot of anger or spite. Maybe i'm wrong but its saddening to see this kind of conflict over something like this.

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 7:44 am

I think Raynen is a bit annoyed.


Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 9:14 am

*text deleted*

Please don´t ever do that again GAG ! Really immature don´t you think ?

thought i would give you guys a headache for once.

Edited by - Eraser on 07-10-2003 10:22:58

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:02 am

Well - this really is my last post. IN answer to some questions:

I have always put that poeple can use ideas that i come up with. If you like, i will make a whole post of what the mod contains at this point, and anyone can take anything they like, i will even help them do it........why? Because i do share ideas, and try me best to help others. Yes it will piss me off if they copied directly from my files into theirs and called it their own, but there is no way on the planet i can prevent this............hence why in my ini files things are marked out, ie Zones, bases, weapons, additions, equipment etc etc. It is all clearly listed so anyone can see what and where i put things. Even the additional effects are listed.

Isn't it surprising. I didn't resolve anything. why? Because TNG still don't believe they have done anything wrong, and still think they are being treated unfairly................speaks volumes

Did i look like an idiot? Yes. Personally, i don't really care. I think this shows ego side of the team here. I can admit problems, admit errors and make appologise. You still don't admit anything, or appologise for anything, or the fact that your OWN actions caused this to happen, but you are trying to bring the REST of the community down with it.
To put it bluntly you KEEP posting the same rubbish immagination. You have a set text you HOPE answers the questions posed, but it doesn't. The explanation is WHETHER or NOT other companies etc are intending to apply for copyright or NOT, on their mod or JUST THEIR SHIPS..... they haven't actually done it. You did, you got caught.

Frostworks will be copyrighting their ships i assume, but seeing as neither i NOR YOU are part of frostworks, how the hell can you comment on what part of their mod they intend to copyright? Comment on this please. Can you say with 100% convicton and certainty that frostworks will definately copyright their mod, and how you are so sure and know this fact?? IN itself - the whole part of 'shopping' the rest of the community with your beliefs to try to save your own ass was not only embarrassing, but also showed:

Lack of respect for community
Lack of respect for others works
Selfishness and cowardice on your part.

Now those aren't enviable traits to put it mildly, and personally, i am happy to appear and idiot in comparisson.
Now - the sum up:

You don't see what you have done wrong still - by the very nature that you don't accept this (don't argue, it proves me point )

You then try to pre-empt others intents to spread the 'blame' when its really trying to catch everyone in the fallout. You got caught for one specific thing, but trying to direct it at the rest of us doesn't mean you get off.......this isn't a court or anything were you will get leininacy for shopping your fellow crims

Last time i checked, the main charges were about you trying to copyright. FINITO - others might have SPOKEN ABOUT IT, but I am SURE THEY HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING ABOUT IT - else microsoft would have a go too. I am sure they DON'T have biased lawyers like you seem to think - who only go after TNG. If you think they do, then provide the documentary evidence of this so we can see how unfair Microsoft can be!

2) Please provide evidence of where the rest of us have applied for copyright on mods, therefore allowing Microsoft to come bust our assess........i assume that there is plenty as you are trying to get us all a 'cease and dessist' order.

3) Please inform us why Microsoft that has looked the other way to our modding should give us a cease and dessist order when YOU are the person who started with copyrighting mods, which is what started this problem off. Not every law is upheld - as they are laws, which guide us. Police don't bust you for speeding at 75mph - but its 5mph over the limit. Why? It isn't worth it. Same for Microsoft - they could bust us all and shut this place down, but until its a threat - they have nothing to gain. As long as we don't take the piss - then they look the other way.

Finally - you going to admit that all of this is your OWN FAULT here? Will you appologise to the community about your actions at all? and your ILL WILL towards everyone? Or are you going to carry on being Beligerant and arrogant?
Lets face it, your OWN error caused your current situation. FACT
Microsoft hasn't gone after anyone else yet due to the reason that they haven't done what TNG has done - FACT
You have willfully attempted, in a vain effort to somehow a)Justify your reasons, and b)Save your own behind, get the rest of our fun ruined, all because of something YOU DID - FACT.

Now - that is my piece. You cannot dispute any of this stuff. You can try, but in your own words, you will look a fool. I don't care what you tried to copyright anymore...cos you cannot.......which means its down to mine, and anyone elses honour as to whether i declare it or not. Please don't insult us, or yourself, by copy and pasting the same answers again.

I have stated points here of why i think many might, and have a RIGHT to be mad with you. Personally - these are my reasons, but they were originally clouded with the worry about your copyright...... but that is a mute point here, as you cannot do it anyway, so why i got pissy about that - my own immature problems i can assure you.............are YOU MAN ENOUGH TO ADMIT YOUR OWN ERRORS/MISTAKES? Or will you keep barging on with your present course and attitude?

ps - my sig will shed light on why most posts might ramble.

"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

*edit* - there was abit abuot how if you were just copyrighting spawns artwork etc, how was that then considered infringement, when many artists have copyright on ships etc and it has been made clear you CAN legally copyright ships? But i didn't want to open that kettle of fish, hence i edited it out....

Edited by - chips on 07-10-2003 12:18:33


Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:16 am

ROFLMAO. i knew you would do that

anyone got some paracetemol

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:26 pm

Reynen - you claimed that other people who stole your stuffs profit from it. Please explain how they profit if they can't really make money from it. I think most modders here don't have profit - they actually lose money and time by making mods, be it from scratch or by using someone's partial or whole mod (yes I agree that crediting the owner is the decent thing to do). Bragging rights is the only thing they gain.

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:49 pm

Well, I might have actually listened to what you say Reynen if it wasn't jus a copy paste of the orignial crap you said in the first place.

DA ripped off their Freelancing idea from other developers. MS just thinks its completely orignial when you can see stuff similar from other games. But freelancer was packaged better for the way its gameplay went.

Can't be btohered arguing with someone who had their ego crushed, they fight 'til the end...

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:26 pm

Downwind_thief, you are damn right,
the storyline was copied from 3 different games

Starlancer - The houses and all that crap
Privateer - had a storyline involving an alien artefact, that needed a specific person to help identify it
Privateer 2 - The Invasion of an alien race

:O what do you know, mix it all together with 3d graphics and you get Freelancer, without Chris Roberts

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:47 pm

1. Starlancer did not have Houses - and FL is the sequel of SL. Duh.
2. Which sci-fi movie doesn't do this?
3. Which sci-fi movie doesn't do this?

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 9:57 pm

i am really getting tired of you guys!!!
stop that fighting with words!!!
its to no use for anyone, this is gonna kill the community..... a thing MS could just be waiting for....

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:05 pm

it could be - it could be, but i am just waiting for Reynen to answer those questions i made with a clear head this morning (when i woke up). I wasn't sleep deprived at that point, and could actually formulate what i wanted to say.
If Reynen will answer those without his usual 'caps lock bold font everything' aggressive method of posting - then i will be happy - IF he can that is......

Post Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:34 pm

Well, I don't know if it matters, but I do see a lot of smug attitudes with the SS team. Personally I don't care, I enjoy working on my mod because for me making the mod is the fun. The problme though is that you see several postes on this forum in particular where members of SS have made replies to requests for help that just make them look bad.

I can't recall who exactly of even which posts and I'm not going to bother looking them up. I do recall one recently where another member of the forum was asking some questions about creating factions and somebody from SS popped in and flat out said they wouldn't tell anyone how they did it.

Not sharing every idea isn't a problem, I have a lot of little tricks I won't share, but in a case like that you're just asking for people to start hating you because of the attitude the team (even if only a single member) projects. If only no comment had been made in many of those posts or even something a bit more polite...

This may also explain why you are getting suprisingly little support from fellow modders even though the players are ready to dive between you and the bullet.

Post Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:41 pm

To continue... based on the recent comment's mainly by you I can honestly say I'm happy to see you guys go. A pity that you hate so much in others that which is so abundant in yourself.

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:03 am

regardless who who sent the "email" It would appear that the expected outcome has happened.

people flaming each other, quitting modding, gnashing of teeth, all the same.

some lil nerdy punk is really getting a kick outta what he/she started if a hoax. If not, microsoft just put the final nail in freelancers coffin of replayability.

Regardless of who copied what, when and where, it is all the same. IBM made the PC, Gateway did too, so did Dell, so did about a 1/2 a million others out there.

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