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Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 1:46 am

Okay...everything is working just fine. Thanks chips...

So, now, I have fiddled with everything I think I could. How do I get a jumpgate to turn? I plopped one into a system and lined it to where I want it, but the opening is pointing the wrong way and I can't seem to figure out how to turn it around.

Is it the pos= 12345, 0, 6789 series? I've tried changing the axis number, the "0" but it doesn't seem to be it.

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 12:23 pm

Sorry - my internet is very dodgy due to high winds - i am being cut off approx once every five mins - so i have lost alot of typed answers. Suffice to say i will read questions and now answer them into word. For the systems - do you really want me to write this out as a 'bung this into a system for yourself' or as an explanation for it, i ask because there is alot to explain, but once i am through you will understand what the hell to do, what not to do, and then can expand it later on to include what stuff you can bung into the system. For testing though - basically - you can have the same ids number and info for anything in your system...........

Okay - to turn a jumpgate around - you need to make sure it has a rotate line -then just reverse that number - here are two examples
Example This is taken for a jumpgate from new london to erm - somewhere else:

nickname = Br01_to_Br05
ids_name = 260641
pos = -78332, 0, 56134
rotate = 0, -90, 0 ;<--this line here defines which way it points

Now - surprisingly enough - although i have orientated about a thousand things in the past two months, i can never remember this :Here goes

...................... 0 or 180
90 or -90 -------------+------------- 90 or -90
......................0 or 180

So - from that CRAP diagram - if you have orientation as:
rotate = 0, -90, 0
It is either facing to the left or right - so make it 0, 90, 0 to turn that jumpgate round to face the correct way.
If its 0, 0, 0 then make it 0, 180, 0 to turn it round. I think -but not sure, that it is taken from the BACK of jumpgates - so if you have it something like 0, 0, 0 then it is pointing towards the north of the screen (but then i might be wrong and its pointing to the south).

Honestly - you have no idea how many times i have turned gates and tradelanes round - you would think i would bloody remember!!
Last bit:

0,0,0 is facing north or south, right you notice this is rotated on the y axis of the systems stuff - ie x, y, z - so this rotates the object in the linear across system planes of x and z
What happens if we change it to another axis?
Well - it rotates differently - so give it an x rotation to rotate in the y,z planes - what do you mean by that?


It will basically spin round horizontal if you change the y axis, (so it spins in x, z) so if you change this to y,z then it spins in a plane of different axis view - or in other words the thing will rotate like there is a spike through it in the x axis - or in other words it will be able to 'face' off upwards, towards back of map, downwards, towards front of map.

If you do it in the x, y then it will face towards left, upwards, towards the right, downwards. Good stuff eh? Specially if your making systems in 3d to confuse people which is 'up' and 'down'. However, if you try this and use tradelanes - you CANNOT make them face up or down, as they dock incorectly in one direction. You just have to eleveate them instead - which is a pain, or create TWO tradelanes instead. BUt that is getting away from the post


p.s - i crashed twice typing this thing

Edited by - chips on 10-10-2003 19:41:07

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 1:19 pm

Termoshad – well, I typed all this out in detail for about 30mins in the window, copying it every five mins just so I could paste if something went wrong. Then - I posted, it was too big or something, then trying to go back it told me it expired or some crap. Then – aol froze up instead, so I had to ctrl alt del and end task on its unresponsive ass, then on reload, it appears the modem had frozen up or something?? Never had that before – after that I couldn’t get AOL to start, and to cut a long story short, I got mad and did a reboot………………before thinking…………….i never pasted my answer into word to keep it safe – SO I LOST THE F******* THING!!! Dammit. Oh well – here goes for a quicker simpler version as I cannot afford to spend all day answering stuff for nothing LOL

1) I will look into this for AI difficulty related to Player difficulty in a zone. As far as I know – no, you cannot do this, mainly because a type of encounter is specified in a zone. Due to the engine, it doesn’t have a player level parameter with it, so you cannot specify anything harsh there – but what do I do for titans in NY? I simply make the cops all carry a shield killing gun – in the loadouts, like this:

Here is MY liberty police loadout:

nickname = li_p_li_fighter_loadout01
archetype = li_fighter
equip = ge_lf_engine_01
equip = npc_shield01_mark02, HpShield01
equip = li_fighter_power01
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
equip = li_gun01_mark02, HpWeapon01
equip = li_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon02
equip = li_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon03
equip = co_gun02_mark02, HpWeapon04
equip = ge_s_cm_01, HpCM01
cargo = ge_s_cm_01_ammo, 20
equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight01
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight02
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight03
equip = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight04
equip = contrail01, HpContrail01
equip = contrail01, HpContrail02
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02
cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 3
cargo = ge_s_repair_01, 3

Notice that they have a level 2 sheild, class 3 guns, and a class 2 gun for killing shields. ON their own they won’t cause much damage – but in a group these cops will take your titan out without a prob – why? Cause basically – those little shield killers do about 189damage to a shield per shot, so after 6 of them are shooting at you, they will waste your shields down in about 30 seconds……………..but it is harder for the little guys too at this point, as the cops will of course kill a starflier in a couple of seconds, and probs waste the rogues and others quicker as shields get killed fastest. Solution? well – you could do what I do and hand one of these guns over to MOST factions in fact. Hell – my corsairs and outcasts have a del cid each. God forbid you come up against some of those. corsairs with a del cid, level 10 salamankas and a cannonball? – yup - you are dead pronto. Class 10 sals you say? Yes – custom weapons. I keep the names if poss – so class 10 kraken and wyrm too. oh – and bounty hunter ones toooo……….
2) Illegal stuff – as before on here its in the faction_prop.ini, however, to make them start out eveil –need to do mpnewcharacter.fl I think – not sure as I don’t have a server to try this out on. Also – I think you need FLSave character editor to try to open this – but I really don’t know!

3) Unlock jumpgates? Initial world.ini – comment out all the jumpgates/ jumpholes in there with a semi colon. For multiplayer I think this works, but it might also be in mpnewcharacter.fl too – I really don’t know about that though – never opened that file.

To comment out – use the semi colon at the beginning of the line – ie:
locked_gate = 2926433351 ;St01_to_St03_hole ;St01_to_St03_hole
locked_gate = 2460445762 ;St02_to_St01_hole ;St02_to_St01_hole
locked_gate = 2263303234 ;St03_to_St01_hole ;St03_to_St01_hole
locked_gate = 2284213505 ;Li05_to_Li01 ;Li05_to_Li01
locked_gate = 2293678337 ;Li01_to_Li05 ;Li01_to_Li05
locked_gate = 2711806985 ;Ku06_to_Ku07_hole ;Ku06_to_Ku07_hole
locked_gate = 3051899916

Will become,
;locked_gate = 2926433351 ;St01_to_St03_hole ;St01_to_St03_hole
;locked_gate = 2460445762 ;St02_to_St01_hole ;St02_to_St01_hole
;locked_gate = 2263303234 ;St03_to_St01_hole ;St03_to_St01_hole
;locked_gate = 2284213505 ;Li05_to_Li01 ;Li05_to_Li01
;locked_gate = 2293678337 ;Li01_to_Li05 ;Li01_to_Li05
;locked_gate = 2711806985 ;Ku06_to_Ku07_hole ;Ku06_to_Ku07_hole
;locked_gate = 3051899916

Good stuff – do it for NPC locked gates/jumpholes too:

4) weapon damage/speed – well –this will have to be client side I am afraid – so clients need the mod as well. However, mod your weapon file, then make a file in the mods folder of FLMM called weaponmod or something, then inside that, make a data folder, inside the data folder make an equipment folder, and into this equipment folde put EVERY file that you change. Ie – if its just weapons power etc, just weapon_equip.ini, if its new weapons – weapon_equip.ini, and weapon_good.ini and also market_misc.ini for the sell points you changed. Then, make a zip of the WHOLE thing in flmm mods folder (so zip up the weaponmod folder) and then rename the zip file to now then – email that to every friend who plays on your server – they can activate it in FLMM and bingo – get the guns with new shoot speeds – and you made your first mod. &#61514;

5) Encouters files? Doubt anyone will do that for you. Erm – I can’t as mine are a) new and b) too intertwined into my files - ie if you had my system files that have encounters you would also get extra tradelanes, jumpgates, wrecks and god knows what else – so it really isnt’ viable. Plus – you would also crash due to some other additons.

6) Yes – they don’t have a jumphole TO them due to the fact the story just PLONKS you in there. I can make you a code that you just put into here, but once again – once you do this, then the clients will need a copy of the files for them to use the holes as well. So – you can include this into your weapon mod for them, by making a universe folder, then a system folder, then the new systems folders as well – or I could make you a script for it, nice and simple – but like I said before – I have limited time here – and helping as many people as possible is quite tough – so I would prefer to make the changes in here so others could copy and paste into their files too!

Anyways, there we go – still took ages to type out! LOL
You have no idea how many crashes and probs i had for this one - i am nearly bald with fustration!! LOL

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 2:46 pm

Welcome back - no probs mate

You need to create your own model for a weapon if you wish to do this. At this point, you should look into the CMP file and other files too. Do the weapons all use the same sort of CMP file (I believe that many weapons use just one, its easier) and therefore, you can create two or so, but make 30 odd weapons for it. After this, you then need to make sure that it is roughly the same size as others as we cannot make sur files yet. Of course, once you have your modl and texture, youcan use otehr surs. Now, check what the CMP for a gun type has, then sort of copy that for your gun, but you might need to have some extra stuff. After that, all guns MUST have the same sort of layout instructions as in the file - you cannot make brandnew ones as 1)The game engine won't recognise your new commands and 2) Heck - it won't recognise your new code or commands!! LOL
So - you MUST use FL commands for guns, and the you can do whatever you like. See if you can make new effects for the guns etc too - and bingo - the ammo line is what you shoot, which depends on what you see. However, seeing as you don't really see all this hardwork really - it seems pointless!!! At that point, easier to use existing stuff, and then just change lines for what you wnat to see, and change some effects for the projectiles. I haven't tried makin new effects for this (by copying and fidling old effects with a new name) so i am not sure it is workable or not. However - there we go, that ramble tells ya.

Yes - in theory you can. You need to follow like a ship, but make it for a weapon

Yes - but its not really worth all the work as you won't see anything new on your ship (unless the gun is HUGE) - at which point what is the point o all that hard work?

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 4:53 pm

That was it ! Thanks Chips..........

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 6:13 pm

Thought i would update my naff diagram catalgoe prepare to grimace!!

Diagram explaining system coordinations I know its naff.....

Okay - systems positions are worked out as a X, Y, Z position of things, so X is left to right, Y is vertically up and down, and Z is back and forth.
So, -60000, 0, -60000 would be a position of the back left sector of you map.
0, 0, 60000 would be front center of the map
60000, 0, 0 would be far right side center, hope that is clear - just think like the diagram below, or perhaps try not too! Remember - 0, 0, 0 is the DEAD center of the system as you look at the map.

.............-X ------------------+---------------- X
........................Z .........I

So there we have it, a truly s*** diagram - but i hope it gives you an idea instead of a headache/confusion

Edited by - chips on 10-10-2003 19:15:45

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 6:15 pm

Chips, thats lovely, who needs photoshop?


If there is anything more important than my ego around here, I want it caught and shot immediately ~ (Zaphod Beeblebrox - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 6:32 pm

Yeah... why DA chose to divert from the standard axial format I'll never understand (Z should be X, X should be Y, Y should be Z).

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 6:34 pm

OKay - for jumpgate orientation: Remember - its controlled by the line

Rotate = X, Y, Z.
Usually it will just be Y that changes orientation, but i included X for if you really want to be silly - its very annoying though to dock
So typical entry looks like Rotate = 0, 90, 0, where 90 is the Y value. See below for which was gives what Y value

...................................I...... 0,Y
.............90,Y ---------------+---------------- -90,Y
........................180,Y ..I

So - what does my crap naff diagrams mean? Imagine EACH of those has a head on it, an arrow if you will, like this:

---> -90, Y

Then the dash part represents the BACK of the jumpgate, the head represents the part you DOCK through - so, then, to have it facing in THAT direction - your angle must be 0, -90, 0 .......right.
To have it facing the opposite direction -

<---- (remeber that the head of the arrow is the front of the jumpgate) you will need to have a 0, 90, 0 rotation. Okay? Hope that helps for anyone else. I love my crap diagrams - i will use them every chance i get!! LOL

Edited by - chips on 10-10-2003 19:34:35

Post Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:06 am

Okay...this is so cool. I have a complete home for Trent. I have completely transformed The bottom unknown system into a all new place. Damn, even moved it to a new place on the nav map to match up with Liberty space. Ya couldn't tell it wasn't part of the origiinal game.

"Ah, well yes, I have heard..." that the devil is in the details. I was able to change all the information on the info card for my new system...except I can't seem to find where the planet info-blurb is to change. Both my new worlds still have the discription of planet Junyo on it. I know it needs a new ID number to describe my new world..but where do I find the ID number to change, in what file? Located all the other IDs to change, the name of the Planets, system, space and even the read out when you land...just don't know where the planet blurb is....**s**??

Post Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:31 am

Okay - by the way, i got my missions working again - i made an error in the Mbases file without knowing about it, which caused the other bases below it to not load. I strongly suspect it is cause i removed a base without bloody taking it out of their or something. I erased the 20 or so entries to the one that Giskard told me was fine, and it worked. Typical - modding too much without testing is BADDDDDDDDDDd

OKay - Planet still gives the description of Junyo eh? well - just before i go to bed i will have a - brb to edit this part in

*edit* - okay - baffled - will lookagain when i aint falling asleep, but at first glance i cannot see it anywhere - looked into the solararch, the bases, the universe, i looked in the system - but cannot find the info/name for it just yet. Like i said - will look again later

Edited by - chips on 11-10-2003 02:51:17

Post Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:39 am

>>Typical - modding too much without testing is BADDDDDDDDDDd<<

God...that was the HARDEST lesson I learned doing this...

I found the Planet Junyo blurb is 65820...but I don't know where to look for it in the files....

Post Mon Oct 13, 2003 4:43 am


Post Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:19 pm

Hmm - i still can't find it. I think it must be intertwined somehow. If you look in the solararch.ini - the info there is zero, and there isn't anything else about it, look at what it has when in game - and that isn't the info in the systems ini file either. So i cannot locate where it tells it what to look at........yet

*edit* - but i forgot to say that i notice all planets with info - seem to have the ids info number immeditately after the first one with all the extra information. So- i assume that if you punch in a new number for your planet, like try this for example:
ids info = 66701
Now - this is a free number - just firstly get the get the info from using the number in the files already, ie - type this number in and bring up the info
ids_info = 65819
Now type your new number in at the top and save it.
Now type in 65820 and get the blurb about teh planet - then erase most of it and type in something truly inspirational like 'most munchkins like to eat hairy dogs for dinner' and then save it as 66702
Now put your ids info number in for your planet instead of the original one, and check out to see if the info is still the same. If it is - good stuff, if not, oh well - it was worth a shot. I would try it myself, but i have alot to do before i get sidetracked into this area, but if you don't want to, or don't check this within the next two days, i will have had a go as i will be finishing up my own systems, which includes sorting out the planets ids info numbers with info!! LOL
Good luck
let me know if it works (i just assume its programmed to read the number above for additional info as well is all - but not sure) as i am also interested in it!

Edited by - chips on 13-10-2003 21:31:52

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:06 am go...I just get the readout for the planet stats as written in 66701, nothing else.

When I created a station, borrowed Durham borader station, made all the changes as needed, I get the read out to Durham Borader station. So, I figure it deals with, perhaps the coding that is the item. But where and how to dig into that other than the usual is beyond me.

When one creates a planet from scrathc do they also get the info from the planet they copied..or is it possible to even create a planet from scratch withou "borrowing" something from elsewhere. There probabaly is a connection in there somewhere to a hidden file of some sort....

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