Post Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:44 am

Full mission texts -- where could I find them?

I was reading through some new threads and it occured to me that someone might have the full script and mission threads for Freelancer. After all, half of them were canned in order to make the game fit on one CD (unless someone has found about 27 or so single player missions instead of about 13?).

That data ought to be out there somewhere.

The darn full script to Prophecy was out there for a while (Origin cut the budget and filmed less than half of it, so that Wing Commander Prophecy is missing about half of the plot and script background), and I just missed getting it (I tracked down a designer who had kept it, but it turned out he had gotten the file corrupted).

Anyway, hoping ...

Dire Wolf
[wing commander and privateer
[more stuff than you wanted to know

"kids these days"