Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 5:24 am

Cowboy bebop swordfish

Okay for the last two days i' have worked on takeing the swordfish moddel and retexturing it. Now beggins the fun part, the cmp import (for milkshape) does not import hardpoints so after attempting to add back the hardpoints and learning how to do that I retexture the moddel. make a new mat file. Then mod the ship into freelancer. And what do i get for all my hard work and skipped classes, a pure white, hardpoint missing, clipping, crap version of what I started with.
So I guess what i'm asking is that anyone out there that knows what there doing to take a look at my textures, my attemped models, and give me a hand. Or if your real nice i could sened you my texture and you could maybe retexture it. But if you can't all the help you could give me would be extreamly .... well helpful.