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Guess that Bug!!

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 1:44 am

Guess that Bug!!

Okay - i thought it was just my large mod somehow, however, i have just been to cambridge running the Open SP v1.1 in a ship, and the game crashes on me round cambridge. Now this is a clean FL (reinstalled after deactivating my mod), and the only mods running were Open SP v1.1 and a few custom weapons (on the equipresources.dll - in the spare 'slots', only on sale in NY. The only thing is i am lvl 38 - but i can't see how the hell that would cause repeated crashes at the same spot. It is around the station in Cambridge that is located one trade lane NORTH of the battleship (Hood is it?) in the Cambridge (ie top right screen, next to the blue planet). I have also crashed to desktop in Hokkaido and Omega 7. Does anyone know what the hell is going on at all? What is the Bug anyone? Can you guess whats wrong???
I am quite fustrated as i have spent about 100+ hours on a large mod to find this problem whilst off on a jaunt to Planet Sprague ( i was going near there so i could try and make it a base again). The idea was landing on a station nearby and then modding the files so i could take quick looks to get docking ring right. However, this plage of the crash to desktop appears - WITHOUT FAIL!!!
Now this version of the mod i can send to people, so they can run it on their machines and take a peek for yourselves!! (its small - only a couple of ships and goods.ini to sell starflier for 9mil
Anyone care to guess or test??
p.s - this is the problem i presented BTBW with, its NOT my system files as they haven't even been touched in this version and yet it still crashes!!

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 6:47 pm

Okay - no-one to take this on? It gets more intruging i can tell ya!
I crash as i enter the trade lane from the manchester jumpgate into the manchester system (ie just come though the jumpgate from cortez) and it crashes without fail.........with only a ship mod on - nothing that i can see clashes at all, and i am baffled as to what can be causing this!?! Anyone got a clue about that?!!!!!
Am hoping someone knows something here

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:16 pm

Er...hmm...So it crashes IN the game?

Not when you start it up?

Odd...Must be something that FL won't accept!!


I'm your Helping Hand

X-Lancer Project Leader
TNG Public Liason

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:27 pm

BURN THE CD!! Simple. Now THATS an annoying bug! Just delete all files to eliminate the mods and try again (God I sound like a telephone....)

"Lets settle this like men... with guns" Killzone

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:51 pm

I think that this must be a bug to do with open SP........and the reason is that i have only got the ships i added (trains, gunboats etc) modded in files - and they all work / fly beautifully. I am in an eagle (yeah i cheated and made my starflier worth a few hundred k, and the eagle worth 50k at manhat for safe travelling) and yet i STILL crash on entry to the tradelane from the manchester/cortez jumpgate. EVERY TIME!! I made it once, but docking with it at silly angles does the same! Now does anyone know if open SP has a bug?? is it possible at all (i have reinstalled FL about 10 times today whilst debugging, and the only good thing is that the rather large mod i made might not be the problem!). Anyone had similar probs?!? - if you have free time would anyone care to have a go with open SPv1.1 (not the one that came with TNG 1.6 - but the original dl one) and see if they get the same?!?! It is happening in more than one system, and basicaly EVERY file is clean! (can't be my ships, they aren't even set for sale at all, and it would crash when loading, not in game flying an eagle at this one tradelane!!!!)

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:35 am

any mod will do it.

once i upgraded the speed of a ship....
and on some trade lane in bretonia the game crashed.

the only way to stop that is to replace everything

May the force be with you, for me, to poop on.

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 3:48 pm

hmm- the plot thickens! It happens whenever you dock with the tradelane.....along the whole stretch of it! But you can fly right past them on cruise...............any takers as to the prob?

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:58 pm

And it gets deeper testing online right now (MP) and after alot of crashes, we removed the Open SP files, it eliminated the crash in manchester....but the cambridge crash still remains. Has anyone else had this problem when making a mod? That youcrash at cambridge mining facility as you dock with tradelanes?? It happens to the ones leading both too and from Cambridge mining facility, but if you cruise past them it is okay........

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:20 pm

You said you added some flyable ships? Try looking in the encounters folder, find the ones for the gunboats, change any case of "sc_gunboat" to "sc_fighter" or something similar. See if that fixes your problem, if not than you have changed something else that you forgot about, or when you reinstalled the game you left some read only files behind. The seemingly unrelated crashes are normally the result of a bad encounter, or more correctly a bad AI loadout that happens to spawn as an encounter.

The solution may be well hidden, for example if you remove a particular running light from light_equip.ini any AI ship that used that running light will crash the game when it tries to load that ship in an encounter. The same is true with guns, shields, etc... be careful with even the simplest changes, their effects can be suprisingly far reaching

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:26 pm

Thankyou Victor - you got the nail on the head. I don't know why, but it works (i can'tsee gunboats encounters around the facility, but i have been down there now several times without crashing!) don't know how happy i am now!!!! THANKYOU A MILLION!!!! I nearlytrashed my comp after staring at inis for hours with nothing there!

Post Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:49 am

Okay - next one is at deshmina ( we have sorted out about 4 others now as well though, but thisone also has us stumped!) should be another encounter -anyone got a clue what is around there but not many other places (bretonian gunships patrol the area around the mining facilityk, i shuol dhave figured thatone out sooner!)

Okay - here is something that might shed light if you can decrypt it!!Goodluck -(i am working on it, but never seenone of these before!) This is what appeared inthe log when we crashed theserver!

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\space\StarSys.cpp(540) : *** WARNING: StarSystem::enter(): CLI(1) System(Ku02)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0xa6dd74ca not supported/equippable!
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0xbba3fdcc not supported/equippable!
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CExternalEquip.cpp(142) : *** WARNING: CExternalEquip: Object (0x8c25f706) missing hardpoint (HpHeadlight) for item (0x870945cd)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CExternalEquip.cpp(142) : *** WARNING: CExternalEquip: Object (0x8c25f706) missing hardpoint (HpDockLight01) for item (0x94a7d787)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CExternalEquip.cpp(142) : *** WARNING: CExternalEquip: Object (0x8c25f706) missing hardpoint (HpDockLight02) for item (0x94a7d787)
These are theones it red flagged - anyoneknow what its dribbling on about, as i feel that this will help us figure out what is wrong and therefore debug a mod ten times faster!

Edited by - chips on 04-09-2003 02:24:12

Edited by - chips on 04-09-2003 02:50:57

p.s - yeah - my space bar is knackered!

Edited by - chips on 04-09-2003 03:07:22

Post Thu Sep 04, 2003 2:47 am

Well, I would have guessed it was another gunboat encounter, even though you never see them in the game they are set up all over the place, but if you fixed the gunboat encounter ini files that shouldn't be happening anymore.

Tracking down a problematic encounter or loadout is a pain in the #$@%! All I can offer you is a method I used when I got hit by a few in my mod...

Go to the system file for the system where you are getting the most crashes, in your case ku02.ini I think? Do a search & replace on the entire file replacing every instance of:

faction =

with this (note the semi-colon):

;faction =

That will essentially disable all of the encounters in that system since there will be no faction using any of them no ships will spawn. Load it up in the game, fly around the problem area and see if it crashes even with no encounters, if it doesn't crash we're on the right track, if it still crashes you need to check things like solar loadouts and errors in the system itself.

Now, go back into the system ini file (ku02.ini) and enable the encounters for one faction, again just search & replace to find this:

;faction = gd_bh_grp

and replace it with (no more semi-colon):

faction = gd_bh_grp

That will re-enable all of the encounter for the bounty hunters only. Load it up and fly around in there for a while, if it doesn't crash the problem is not the Bounty Hunters. If it does crash then the Bounty Hunters are part of, or the entire, problem. Make a note that the Bounty Hunters caused a crash and go back into the system ini file as described above, disable the Bounty Hunter encounters and enable them for another faction, repeat this process until you have covered every faction, one at a time, in that system.

Now the fun part...

Now you have to go through every file that could possibly be causing such a crash, it helps when you know exactly which files have been edited and what was changed in those files since it is the result of something that was changed. The only help you'll have here is that is the crash occurred with more than one faction you can look to see what those factions have in common and substantially narrow your search from there. Remember to check everything, loadouts, faction settings, equipment architypes... it's like searching for a needle in a stack of needles

Post Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:36 am

Thanks Victor - great method.....good stuff.....should takeme days, but will be well worth it. For some reason that kind of logical idea never hit me - i was just sat at the jumpgate counting factions (train spotting????) - i strongly suspect that it is the bounty hunters, as i have seen nearly everyone else, and it happens in the 'field'. Tommorrow will eb a nice day of debugging! 1 Last question though.....does the server AND my files both need thesame treatment? As this will add time to the mod
Thanks again

Post Thu Sep 04, 2003 4:49 am

Well, it will depend on what you have to change to fix it Most likely it will require an update to the server and if the fix involves any equipment files you'll have to update the clients as well. You can fix loadouts, encounters and minor system bugs server-side only and since one of those is probably your culprit you should be prepared to update the server but not worried about updating all the clients. If you're doing this as a SP mod for yourself then you obviously only need to fix your files

Post Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:30 pm

Hmm - what do you think about this (seems that many things are causing a crash right now) :
I am using Duriel LOP's method (with permission) of docking. However, i think i changed all moor_mediums entries to the berths entries. Now this would meant that the station has no moor medium right? Would this then be a problem as i haven't changed transports and the like to use berths from moor_medium?
Could this be causing crashes?

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