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STUCK on a planet with NO way out!!

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 5:50 am

STUCK on a planet with NO way out!!

I have a problem....i have made myself a couple of flyable capships for a mod.
Now then - when launching from manhatten (or any planet with a docking ring) my Rheinland battleship explodes (it launches from about 200m behind the docking ring at LEAST!!) however - my brettonian and kusari battleships launch fine! What can i do?!? I have made it so that they can all moor at the planets - and at stations they moor and leave via the more - so that isn't a problem (so far - not fully tested yet) but the problem with the old docking ring is bad. Before anyone suggests - tried ghost docking ring....
Can i just MOVE the docking ring FURTHER away from the planet?? Would that solve the issue? Or is there a launch 'vid' thing that can be deleted - so you appear at the end of the launch proceedure (outside)??
What does anyone think please!!!
p.s - it is soooooooooooooooooo fustratin!

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 6:56 am

Simple, just edit the ships cmp file and reduce the number on the z axis for the HpMount. The problem is that the ship is so large that the mount point is very far ahead of it. Bring the mount hardpoint closer to the center of the ship to solve that problem. The downside is that you'll have a harder time mooring (sometimes impossible) since your mount point is further away.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 7:18 am

Thanks Wanderer! Another one is that also - my turret cam is a little 'knackered' to saythe least. I fiddled with some values - but not alot seemed to happen - anymore suggestions?

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 9:39 am

You'll have to explain what you mean by knackered. Also, posting your settings, name of the file and how you refered to it in the shiparch would be helpful.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 10:11 am

what i did is make my big ships come out of west point! (: ohh some one tell me about the ME BEING LOOTED THING!

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 3:22 pm

Well yeah - i launched from missouri instead of manhat - but seeing as the docking ring is universal for all planets - it cuts down on selling locations and docking abilities.
Okay - here is the current cockpit settings with its values:
Filename (not part of the script obviousl) is te_rh_battleship

mesh = cockpits\liberty\models\li_freighter_cockpit.cmp
int_brightness = 0.500000
head_turn = 30, 10


tether = 0.000000, 150, 400
yaw_rotate_speed = 1.500000
pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000
accel_speed = 7

But i also tried these values:

tether = 0.000000, 300, 800
yaw_rotate_speed = 1.500000
pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000
accel_speed = 7

here is what is in the file (shiparch.ini - but i have ALL of it in script (XML) not in the ini's itself!!

cockpit = cockpits\rheinland\te_rh_battleship.ini
camera_offset = 125, 500
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.050000
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 23
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 5
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 30
max_bank_angle = 15

Now when in normal viewing mode (cockpit) i seem to be okay......however - when in turret mode - i always seem to be looking through the ship itself, and once playing with the values didn't help - i well gave up to find out what the hell i should be doing!!
Hope you can sort me out (again) wanderer - and thanks!

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 3:34 pm

This seems to be a common problem with the Rhineland battleship. Try these settings:
mesh = cockpits\corsair\models\co_elite_cockpit.cmp
int_brightness = 0.500000
head_turn = 50, 50


tether = 0.000000, 100, 600
yaw_rotate_speed = 2.000000
pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000
accel_speed = 5

Also, make sure to check to see that the path designated to the cockpit file is correct. I believe that the Rhineland battleship is lacking something though but i'm not sure.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 6:03 pm

Cheers man - a couple of easy questions now - lol
Is there a finite size on XML scripting before FLMM starts to NOT automatically remove it correctly (ie leaves the script in the files that were changed)? I ask cos my 'mod' had reached about 84kb and was working fine - no probs - activate, deactivate....However - once it had hit about 88kb - the game just kept on crashing at startup. Familiar to some of the usual problems - i found that the files when the mod was deactivated still contained my stuff. So i replaced these files, erased the save game part and tried again. Crashed to desktop (always before reaching menu). So after much fiddling with files - checking my scripting etc etc and checking everything - i reinstalled. Then i tried again - same probs. So i just copied and pasted the scripted mods into the relavent files and it works fine!! Now that shows there wasn't anything wrong with my mod - and the scripting can't be wrong as i didn't add anymore code - just inserted another ship in between the <source> </source> part. Is there a limit to script size? Or is it that there is a limit to the size contained in a
<data file="blah blah" method="append">
Bout 80kb of info inbetween these data tags!!!


Also - about the turret cam - i take it that the

tether = 0.000000, 20, 150
yaw_rotate_speed = 2.000000
pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000
accel_speed = 5
is tether = 0.0000 - centre of ship to rotate from?
20 - one angular distance? say in the x/y axis? (ie front/back/sides)
150 - distance in the z axis? (ie above below)

Post Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:24 am

The tether follows the x,y,z axis formula as far as i know. As for crashing to desktop, its probably because you made an equipment change without the correct change in the goods part of that equipment. For instance calling a weapon big_gun in weapon_equip.ini and gun_big in the weapon_good.ini will automatically crash the game without getting to the menu screen.

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