Post Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:02 am

the easiest (permanent) cloak in the world!

open shiparch.ini and set the lod_ranges for your ship to something way i cant believe i didnt think of this right away, its so simple! the only thing is that you cant turn it off, but you could make a seperate ship (that aught to cost MUCH more if u give it a fair price).

you could do this by copying the shiparch file, and changing the name very slightly...then you clone the package in goods.ini and give it the same name. in theory, you would be able to see the valk yourself because the camera angle is right behind the ship (VERY close) but everyone else would be too far away unless you rammed them. also in cutscreens like docking sequences, and in the ship shop if you select it to be shown there, you should be able to see the ship...but no one else would be able to see it when you were flying around in space.

of course, if the server doesnt have the mod, some really odd things could (and prob would) happen - the server prob would make an lod_range reference check for your ship on it's own copy of shiparch, and therefore would not see the changes...but if the server DID have the mod, i think this would work fine.

*edit* the other players most likly WOULD be able to see you on radar, and npc's prob dont use sight as a referance. hmm on second thought it kinda sounds like this mod would only be good for traders afraid of human bandits, and for pk'ers. everyone notice that i am only guessing, i have not tested this out at all for lack of time*/edit*

Edited by - admiral_tolwyn on 21-07-2003 04:05:24