Wed Aug 06, 2003 11:37 pm by Glock36
Here are the errors: they are in rw01.ini
This listing is from the top of the file so people don't have trouble finding the
sections that are commented out.
There were no other instances of rw01_01 in any of the other files.
I have not tested this as yet, but it will obviously fix the problem.
Thanks, Glock36
space_color = 0, 0, 0
local_faction = li_p_grp
file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini
spacedust = Dust
nickname = area_armored_prisoner
filename = missions\encounters\area_armored_prisoner.ini
nickname = area_trade_freighter
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_freighter.ini
nickname = area_trade_transport
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_transport.ini
nickname = area_trade_armored
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_armored.ini
nickname = area_defend
filename = missions\encounters\area_defend.ini
space = music_omega_space
danger = music_omega_danger
battle = music_omega_battle
color = 255, 114, 0
basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_crow_walker.cmp
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_bw04_stars.cmp
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_bw04.cmp
nickname = rw01_system_light
pos = 0, 0, 0
color = 250, 174, 76
range = 70000
nickname = rw01_Sun1
ids_name = 458830
pos = 0, 0, 0
ambient_color = 255, 114, 0
archetype = sun_2000
star = med_orange_sun
atmosphere_range = 10000
burn_color = 255, 255, 255
visit = 0
ids_info = 458755
nickname = Zone_rw01_sun1_death
pos = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
damage = 10000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
nickname = rw01_sun2_system_light
pos = 60000, 0, -35000
color = 250, 174, 76
range = 70000
nickname = rw01_Sun2
ids_name = 458831
pos = 60000, 0, -35000
ambient_color = 255, 114, 0
archetype = sun_2000
star = red_giant_sun
atmosphere_range = 8000
burn_color = 255, 255, 255
visit = 0
ids_info = 458755
nickname = Zone_rw01_sun2_death
pos = 60000, 0, -35000
shape = SPHERE
size = 4000
damage = 10000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
nickname = rw01_sun3_system_light
pos = 40000, 0, -15000
color = 250, 174, 76
range = 70000
nickname = rw01_Sun3
ids_name = 458832
pos = 40000, 0, -15000
ambient_color = 255, 210, 0
archetype = sun_2000
star = med_yellow_sun
atmosphere_range = 8000
burn_color = 255, 255, 255
visit = 0
ids_info = 458755
nickname = Zone_rw01_sun3_death
pos = 40000, 0, -15000
shape = SPHERE
size = 4000
damage = 10000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
;nickname = rw01_01a
;ids_name = 458833
;pos = 50000, 0, -25000
;rotate = 0, 0, 0
;ambient_color = 234, 183, 105
;Archetype = planet_crater_800
;ids_info = 458763
;spin = 0, 0.001000, 0
;atmosphere_range = 1200
;burn_color = 234, 183, 105
;base = yo01_01_Base
;reputation = li_p_grp
;visit = 1
;nickname = Zone_rw01_01a__death
;pos = 50000, 0, -25000
;shape = SPHERE
;size = 800
;damage = 2000000
;sort = 99.500000
;density = 0
;relief_time = 0
;population_additive = false
;nickname = Zone_rw01_01a_atmosphere_burn
;pos = 50000, 0, -25000
;shape = SPHERE
;size = 1200
;edge_fraction = 0.070000
;spacedust = atmosphere_gray
;spacedust_maxparticles = 250
;sort = 99
;nickname = rw01_01b
;ids_name = 458834
;pos = 30000, 0, -5000
;rotate = 0, 0, 0
;ambient_color = 234, 183, 105
;Archetype = planet_neutron_800
;ids_info = 458754
;spin = 0, 0.001000, 0
;atmosphere_range = 1200
;burn_color = 234, 183, 105
;base = yo01_01_Base
;reputation = li_p_grp
;visit = 1
;nickname = Zone_rw01_01b__death
;pos = 30000, 0, -5000
;shape = SPHERE
;size = 800
;damage = 2000000
;sort = 99.500000
;density = 0
;relief_time = 0
;population_additive = false
;nickname = Zone_rw01_01b_atmosphere_burn
;pos = 30000, 0, -5000
;shape = SPHERE
;size = 1200
;edge_fraction = 0.070000
;spacedust = atmosphere_gray
;spacedust_maxparticles = 250
;sort = 99
Thank You. Glock 36.