Post Sun Jun 22, 2003 8:39 am

Loot - lootprops.ini

I've looked for, but haven't found, an explanation of the lootprops.ini values involved in these example statements:

nickname = commodity_gold
drop_properties = 100, 0, 7870, 1, 150, 150

nickname = ge_s_battery_01
drop_properties = 33, 0, 1, 0, 1000, 100

I can guess how the [PhantomLoot statements work, but drop_properties eludes me. I want to make things like gold appear in non-mission (taking a joy ride) combat. I really would like to make loot like gold and cardamine drop from pirate kills randomly. So...

1. What do the values in drop_properties mean?
2. How can I get outlaws to drop pirate-esqu loot?