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*** Newbie Questions? Look no further! ***
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
You guys rock for helping us N00Bz out. My thanks.
Anywho, here's my mod idea.
What I want: I want to try to create my own story (after you be the game if possible, or with the Bootstrap mod or any other way really). I'd like to rename the ships, locations, systems, NPCs, factions, etc. Then to edit the missions (story primarily, random would be nice but not necessary, just the text if possible) including any scripts, etc.
What I don't need: Changing any of the pilotable ships stats (aside from names if possible) or their locations. I don't need to edit any weapons (aside from some of the text, i.e. changing "Liberty Laser" to "Some other Faction Laser" or something to that effect), nor do I need to edit any commodities at all (again except for the description text perhaps).
Again, I am ABSOLUTELY uber-new at this, so I need my hand held all the way. Any help 'twould be most appreciated.
SECOND: A question: how do I extract the compressed sound files from the .utf files? I tried an editor off here, but it always crashed and I didn't know what I was doing anyways.
Anywho, here's my mod idea.
What I want: I want to try to create my own story (after you be the game if possible, or with the Bootstrap mod or any other way really). I'd like to rename the ships, locations, systems, NPCs, factions, etc. Then to edit the missions (story primarily, random would be nice but not necessary, just the text if possible) including any scripts, etc.
What I don't need: Changing any of the pilotable ships stats (aside from names if possible) or their locations. I don't need to edit any weapons (aside from some of the text, i.e. changing "Liberty Laser" to "Some other Faction Laser" or something to that effect), nor do I need to edit any commodities at all (again except for the description text perhaps).
Again, I am ABSOLUTELY uber-new at this, so I need my hand held all the way. Any help 'twould be most appreciated.
SECOND: A question: how do I extract the compressed sound files from the .utf files? I tried an editor off here, but it always crashed and I didn't know what I was doing anyways.
Hmm... can't edit my post.
Addendum to the above: If creating systems isn't too difficult, that would help. Perhaps just moving things around if that's possible.
Addendum to the above: If creating systems isn't too difficult, that would help. Perhaps just moving things around if that's possible.
They may have just been jettisoning them! If you want to try editing the missions to do this, you need to do the following:
1. In one of the mission files, you need to define the loot, e.g:
nickname = someloot
archetype = commodity_construction_machinery
string_id = 261633
rel_pos_obj = Player
rel_pos_offset = 91, -210, 350
velocity = 1, 0, 2
equip_amount = 10
health = 1.000000
Can_Jettison = true
2. Then, in the trigger you want to spawn at simply add this line:
ActSpawnLoot = someloot
They may have just been jettisoning them! If you want to try editing the missions to do this, you need to do the following:
1. In one of the mission files, you need to define the loot, e.g:
nickname = someloot
archetype = commodity_construction_machinery
string_id = 261633
rel_pos_obj = Player
rel_pos_offset = 91, -210, 350
velocity = 1, 0, 2
equip_amount = 10
health = 1.000000
Can_Jettison = true
2. Then, in the trigger you want to spawn at simply add this line:
ActSpawnLoot = someloot
Okay, ill show you how to create your own system, but first things first youll need some programs to mod FL, these are the main three:
1. (For easy modding) BINI - This prog can be used to uncompress the .ini files in Freelancer. To use, simply drag the .ini file into the BINI icon, delete or backup the original file and rename the file that has been created from file .ini.txt to just file .ini. You can get BINI ... p?id=197' Target=_Blank>here
2. (For harder modding) Fled-ids or another dll editing prog - This program can be used to read and change the entries in dll files, for example to create new ship names or random mission offers. You can also get this prog in the download section.
3. (If youre feelin brave!) UTF editor - This prog can be used to edit things such as hardpoints on ships if you are creating your own ships, compressed voice files and generally any file ending .utf It is also available in the download section, somewhere...
For now just download BINI, its all youll need to create a new system unless you want to change the names of bases/systems etc.
1. Youll need to uncompress the following files (see above for how):
Check that the files are now readable instead of encoded before you start.
2. First open universe.ini. This file contains details of all the systems and bases in the FL universe. At the very bottom of the file add this block of text:
nickname = RJ01
file = systems\RJ01\RJ01.ini
pos = 7, 9; <---- This is just below New York
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Br01
visit = 0
strid_name = 196614 ;<--- Name of the system, leave for now
ids_info = 66104
This defines the position and name of our new system in FL. Although the file SYSTEMS/RJ01/RJ01.ini does not exist yet we will create it in a minute. The position is just below the New York System.
If we wanted to create a new base we would have to define it in here as well, but we wont for now.
3. Now browse to DATA/UNIVERSE/SYSTEMS and create a new folder called ''RJ01''. In this folder create a file called ''RJ01.ini''. In the new system we will create a jump gate leading to New York and a zone with a skirmish between the Bretonian Navy and the Outcasts, so add the following text into the file, remembering to append all closing brackets:
space_color = 0, 0, 0
local_faction = br_p_grp; <--- Change if you want
file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini
space = music_br_space
danger = music_br_danger
battle = music_br_battle
spacedust = Dust
color = 60, 20, 10
basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_noband.cmp
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_br01_stars.cmp
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_br01.cmp
nickname = RJ01_system_light
pos = 0, 0, 0
color = 253, 230, 180
range = 120000
[EncounterParameters ;<--- Encounter parameters MUST be added if you
nickname = area_assault ;<--- want to use the encounter in your system.
filename = missions\encounters\area_assault.ini
nickname = area_defend
filename = missions\encounters\area_defend.ini
[Object ;<--- The sun, obviously
nickname = RJ01_Sun
ids_name = 261013
pos = 0, 0, 0
ambient_color = 255, 255, 255
archetype = sun_2000
star = Br01_Sun
atmosphere_range = 11000
burn_color = 160, 222, 245
ids_info = 66162
[zone ; <--- This is the atmosphere around the sun that kills you
nickname = Zone_Br01_sun_death
pos = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
damage = 10000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
nickname = RJ01_to_Li01 ;<--- This is the jumpgate
ids_name = 260638 ;<--- Again, leave for now
pos = 79978, 0, -52343
rotate = 0, 140, 0
archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Br02
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
ids_info = 66145
reputation = br_p_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 7
goto = Li01, Li01_to_RJ01, gate_tunnel_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate_br_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest
nickname = zone_pop_br01_new_london
pos = 79978, 0, -52343
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
comment = Skirmish area
sort = 1
toughness = 4
density = 24
repop_time = 4
max_battle_size = 24
pop_type = br_p_grp, base_cluster_law
relief_time = 10
faction_weight = br_n_grp, 10 ;<--- Bretonia navy
faction_weight = fc_ou_grp, 10 ;<--- Outcasts
density_restriction = 10, unlawfuls
density_restriction = 10, lawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 4, 0.500000
faction = br_n_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 4, 0.500000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1.000000
Thats your system sorted, now save then open Li01.ini. At the very bottom of the file add this text:
nickname = Li01_to_RJ01
ids_name = 260640
pos = -28270, 0, -28039; <----- Right next to manhatten (NE)
rotate = 0, 165, 0
archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Br04
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
ids_info = 66145
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 4
goto = RJ01, RJ01_to_Li01, gate_tunnel_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate_br_01
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
Thats it! You should now be able to get to your system and have a bit of a fight. However, theres not a lot in your system at the moment so have a go at copy-and-pasting from other systems into your own to get a feel for it.
If you want to edit the system names etc. then youll have to use Fled-Ids. You can change basically any six or five digit number refering to a name, for example:
ids_name = 123456
If you do want to edit the story missions then id be happy to help, and ive nearly finished a mission editor im working on as well which will be available to download soon.
n.b. You cant edit the sound files with .utf edit because the files are too big for the editor - it can only take a few MB at a time.
Okay, ill show you how to create your own system, but first things first youll need some programs to mod FL, these are the main three:
1. (For easy modding) BINI - This prog can be used to uncompress the .ini files in Freelancer. To use, simply drag the .ini file into the BINI icon, delete or backup the original file and rename the file that has been created from file .ini.txt to just file .ini. You can get BINI ... p?id=197' Target=_Blank>here
2. (For harder modding) Fled-ids or another dll editing prog - This program can be used to read and change the entries in dll files, for example to create new ship names or random mission offers. You can also get this prog in the download section.
3. (If youre feelin brave!) UTF editor - This prog can be used to edit things such as hardpoints on ships if you are creating your own ships, compressed voice files and generally any file ending .utf It is also available in the download section, somewhere...
For now just download BINI, its all youll need to create a new system unless you want to change the names of bases/systems etc.
1. Youll need to uncompress the following files (see above for how):
Check that the files are now readable instead of encoded before you start.
2. First open universe.ini. This file contains details of all the systems and bases in the FL universe. At the very bottom of the file add this block of text:
nickname = RJ01
file = systems\RJ01\RJ01.ini
pos = 7, 9; <---- This is just below New York
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Br01
visit = 0
strid_name = 196614 ;<--- Name of the system, leave for now
ids_info = 66104
This defines the position and name of our new system in FL. Although the file SYSTEMS/RJ01/RJ01.ini does not exist yet we will create it in a minute. The position is just below the New York System.
If we wanted to create a new base we would have to define it in here as well, but we wont for now.
3. Now browse to DATA/UNIVERSE/SYSTEMS and create a new folder called ''RJ01''. In this folder create a file called ''RJ01.ini''. In the new system we will create a jump gate leading to New York and a zone with a skirmish between the Bretonian Navy and the Outcasts, so add the following text into the file, remembering to append all closing brackets:
space_color = 0, 0, 0
local_faction = br_p_grp; <--- Change if you want
file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini
space = music_br_space
danger = music_br_danger
battle = music_br_battle
spacedust = Dust
color = 60, 20, 10
basic_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_stars_noband.cmp
complex_stars = solar\starsphere\starsphere_br01_stars.cmp
nebulae = solar\starsphere\starsphere_br01.cmp
nickname = RJ01_system_light
pos = 0, 0, 0
color = 253, 230, 180
range = 120000
[EncounterParameters ;<--- Encounter parameters MUST be added if you
nickname = area_assault ;<--- want to use the encounter in your system.
filename = missions\encounters\area_assault.ini
nickname = area_defend
filename = missions\encounters\area_defend.ini
[Object ;<--- The sun, obviously
nickname = RJ01_Sun
ids_name = 261013
pos = 0, 0, 0
ambient_color = 255, 255, 255
archetype = sun_2000
star = Br01_Sun
atmosphere_range = 11000
burn_color = 160, 222, 245
ids_info = 66162
[zone ; <--- This is the atmosphere around the sun that kills you
nickname = Zone_Br01_sun_death
pos = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
damage = 10000
sort = 99.500000
density = 0
relief_time = 0
nickname = RJ01_to_Li01 ;<--- This is the jumpgate
ids_name = 260638 ;<--- Again, leave for now
pos = 79978, 0, -52343
rotate = 0, 140, 0
archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Br02
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
ids_info = 66145
reputation = br_p_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 7
goto = Li01, Li01_to_RJ01, gate_tunnel_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate_br_02
pilot = pilot_solar_easiest
nickname = zone_pop_br01_new_london
pos = 79978, 0, -52343
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
comment = Skirmish area
sort = 1
toughness = 4
density = 24
repop_time = 4
max_battle_size = 24
pop_type = br_p_grp, base_cluster_law
relief_time = 10
faction_weight = br_n_grp, 10 ;<--- Bretonia navy
faction_weight = fc_ou_grp, 10 ;<--- Outcasts
density_restriction = 10, unlawfuls
density_restriction = 10, lawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 4, 0.500000
faction = br_n_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 4, 0.500000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1.000000
Thats your system sorted, now save then open Li01.ini. At the very bottom of the file add this text:
nickname = Li01_to_RJ01
ids_name = 260640
pos = -28270, 0, -28039; <----- Right next to manhatten (NE)
rotate = 0, 165, 0
archetype = jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Br04
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
ids_info = 66145
reputation = li_n_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 4
goto = RJ01, RJ01_to_Li01, gate_tunnel_bretonia
loadout = jumpgate_br_01
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
Thats it! You should now be able to get to your system and have a bit of a fight. However, theres not a lot in your system at the moment so have a go at copy-and-pasting from other systems into your own to get a feel for it.
If you want to edit the system names etc. then youll have to use Fled-Ids. You can change basically any six or five digit number refering to a name, for example:
ids_name = 123456
If you do want to edit the story missions then id be happy to help, and ive nearly finished a mission editor im working on as well which will be available to download soon.
n.b. You cant edit the sound files with .utf edit because the files are too big for the editor - it can only take a few MB at a time.
Copy some readable dll, add it to dll list in exe/freelancer.ini. First dll statement will have number 458753.
And now, does anybody know how to make ship stable?
Für Rheinland!
And now, does anybody know how to make ship stable?
Für Rheinland!
Lowering feedback of hit to unshielded hull. It's hard to aim with battleship, when it's jumping due to fire from all sides.
Für Rheinland!
Für Rheinland!
Ive tried a lot of things but I cant find a way of stopping hull-hits shaking you around like crazy - it seems to be hardcoded.
However, you could try:
1. (Simple option) Adding a shield - use a shield link to another hardpoint or create a new one.
2. (Harder option) Basically ''swap'' the hull for the shield, this is how you do it:
a) In shiparch.ini find your battleship and change ''hit_points = (lots)'' to ''hit_points = 5''.
b) Now create a shield link to any part of your ship not likely to be destroyed, for example:
shield_link = l_freighter_shield01, HpMount, HpEngine01
c) Give whichever shield you use a shield_capacity equal to the battleships previous hull strength.
Now your battleship relies on just a shield for protection instead of just a hull, eliminating the damage shaking
Hope this helped, sorry again about the wait.
Ive tried a lot of things but I cant find a way of stopping hull-hits shaking you around like crazy - it seems to be hardcoded.
However, you could try:
1. (Simple option) Adding a shield - use a shield link to another hardpoint or create a new one.
2. (Harder option) Basically ''swap'' the hull for the shield, this is how you do it:
a) In shiparch.ini find your battleship and change ''hit_points = (lots)'' to ''hit_points = 5''.
b) Now create a shield link to any part of your ship not likely to be destroyed, for example:
shield_link = l_freighter_shield01, HpMount, HpEngine01
c) Give whichever shield you use a shield_capacity equal to the battleships previous hull strength.
Now your battleship relies on just a shield for protection instead of just a hull, eliminating the damage shaking

Hope this helped, sorry again about the wait.
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