Post Wed Jun 18, 2003 12:45 pm

Changed Speeds

Hi all there,

thanx to this Forum i have changed all Ship Speeds of the Wonderfull Porsche Star Wars Ship Pack to more realistic Values.
Also inserted Porsches new Falcon into the Package.

AWing = 110
BWing = 100
Slave1 = 90
YWing = 90
Corvette = 90
Jedi = 100
Sith = 100
Falcon 110

I also reduced Engine to 1, so the "Z"-Key Bug is resolved

AH, Anyone knows a good XWing ? I will try to insert them into my Porsche Package.


Edited by - AOutside on 18-06-2003 13:46:26

Edited by - AOutside on 20-06-2003 10:08:55