Post Thu May 01, 2003 8:24 am

My first Mod (A New System + better LSF)

I downloaded Dawn's system, and, after reading her great tutorial, I decided to start modding.

Firstly, I replaced the space station with an Order cruiser, _Added Juni in the bar_, and made many things etc etc.

I also aligned people (and system) to LSF, and changeds the patrols to LSF, and changed most things to LSF.


I have a few questions. There is only so much you can learn yourself by randomly fiddling wiht ini files. The rest I have given up and would like to ask you, my kind fellow modders.

Q1: How do I make Juni Give you missions?
Q2: I have changeds the patrols successfully to LSF by splicing w/police, but I would now like to a) Change the patrols to have better ships. b) More Ships. c) Have patrolling gunboats, cruisers etc.
Q3: I would love to know what faction is the player. I would like him to be LSF, but he still seems neutral to the base :O

Thanks For Your Time.