Post Sat Apr 12, 2003 3:08 am

Modded Ships, power supplies, and shields

Hello all.

I'm really awfully sorry if this has been covered already here. I've been reading your forum in just about every free moment since a couple of days ago, and I must say, it's a wonderful resource! So, first order of business is to thank everyone for some wonderful work.

Now to my question(s):

After doing some reading up, I was able quite easily to modify my Rhino, and to create a new, purchaseable engine. As for the last, I was really just messing around to see if I could lower travel times a bit for Single Player. The method of giving the reverse function on the engines a negative value worked admirably. Thank you for that (I think that was Threshold).

As for the Rhino, I have a slight problem. My intention is, eventually (with a lot of time and reading, most likely), to mod the game such that every ship can use equipment of all levels. The idea is to have more options for every ship. I, like some I've seen posting here, plan to add new, purchaseable components for engines, power supplies, tractor beams and sensors (Although I've read here that increasing sensor range really does just about nothing). More important, though, I will also be adding volume to every available ship component, so that, while you COULD mount level 10 weapons or shields on your Patriot Light Fighter, you will likely suffer for it elsewhere.

That's all a long way off, though. For the moment, I just wanted to test certain things. As I said, I got the purchaseable engine to work. The power supply, however, did not work. Now I've read here that for some reason the power supplies are different, and don't work in the same way, but I've also seen that certain very skilled members of this community have mods available that DO make it work. What I haven't been able to find is how.

You know it's funny, I just figured out the other problem. So I guess I'm just asking about Power Supplies.

As for why I don't just download the other mods, well, I guess I just want to do it myself. To learn how. I was absolutely dumbfounded by how awesome this game was. I've been waiting for something like Privateer for lo these many years. And having played Neverwinter Nights for quite some time now (Another favorite), I know well that sometimes modding/building is just as much fun, if not more, than actually playing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"What's the matter Colonel Sanders, chicken?"