Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 2:49 pm

HCl!!! a NEW question for you

hows the model extraction coming? heres the main question:

once exporting models from FL is available, will it be possible to upload an existing ship model, "paint-on" a new texture with the model program, then save the texture as a seperate file for photoshop editing?

the reason i want to do this is to make a template; when a program uses a single texture for multiple models, IMO the best looking/most freindly/most anal retentive way to create a base image file for future editing is to remake the whole thing layered with the bottom layer for the paint scheme and the upper layers for vents/markings/etc. i plan to make templates for all the standard ships).

this will be tons easier if i can paint on a texture in a modeler for position reference, then use it on top of the default texture to draw the outlines/details. i decided to ask to see how close you were to exporting before i started drawing them up the tedious way(Do: draw,launch,check,draw :Loop)

another possible route would be to encorporate a model viewer instead of FL in the do loop above. 3d studio max 5 has a viewer out right? i would still need to export models though.

as you may have guessed, i have never used a modeler. i am not sure if they work in the fasion i wish but i gather from forum searching that thats how it is. i dont want to learn to model unless it is a viable option(atleast until the end of the semester, i may find interest in making new ships then...with their own templates of course).

i would, of-course, upload the templates for those who like to change their paint-job every week, or for the modders if they want to change all the ships colors.

i gotta make a new sig pic[!