Post Fri Apr 04, 2003 9:46 pm

Equipment Value Fixing Mod - Beta

I have completed a mod that fixes prices in the game to be more realistic. Do the best of my knowledge, I have not made any changes to the game, other than making leveling up SLIGHTLY slower. Here's what I did:

When you buy an item (i.e Countermeasure Dropper), you pay a certain price (500). When you sell the item, you receive 30% (150). OK:
When you loot a CM however, you net worth increases by 500, until you sell it, at which point it drops. This is unrealistic. That CM was never worth 500, only 150. So:

This mod changes:
1. The base price of all items to 30% of it's original price.
2. The price multiplier for items at all bases to 333.3333%. So you pay the same price. However, due to rounding, almost every item now costs ONE credit less than it did originally. I actually like this, because the CM costs 499 instead of 500, just like things in real life.
3. A huge amount of data has been insterted into market_misc.ini, in order to make these sell prices consistent at every base. It is necessary using this method, but will make editing market_misc.ini difficult, dut ot it's size. It was originally 400k, now it is nearly 4mb. This is because I had to include price modifiers for EVERY item tat EVERY base, even if it is not sold there.
4. I have also changed shield batteries, to be twice as effective and cost twice as much. You can change this back easily. It's only two numbers to edit.

If anyone would like to beta this mod for me, email me. It's pretty simple, you should not even notice differences as you play. What I would like is help with checking for errors. Please play the mod, and email me if you come across a system where items are not sold correctly, incorrect items are sold, items are missing that should be sold, prices are incorrect, etc.
If you find an error, please email me the name of the system/base, and the items in error. I.E. (Thrusters are incorrect at New London, or New Tokyo should sell Gun X, but doesn't.)

I am currently looking for a way to re-write this mod, without all the extra code, but I haven't found it. If anyone finds a price multiplier for all systems in any of the code, please email me, and I will re-write this immediately.

Thanks to Thundercleese for helping me figure out the format for Market_misc, and to everyone else who has contributed.


You know how to fix this email, right?


Edited by - ceylon on 04-04-2003 22:49:17