Post Wed Mar 26, 2003 1:58 am

Need to bounce some ideas...

I have some ideas that I'd like to get some feedback about. I want to mod the game but I don't want to be making super-ships, that just ruins the fun.
What I'm thinking of doing to adjust the balance of the game a bit and make it a little more even is to add or modify (adding is probably better tho) the light fighters, heavy fighters and freighters to be more useful throughout the game.

Light Fighters:

Increase top engine speed
Increase hull armor
Add ability to use class 9-10 weaps/shields
Add more batteries/bots
Maybe cut cargo space a little.
Increase output from powerplant for high-class weaps
Decrease Cruise Chargeup to 3 seconds from 5

Heavy Fighters:

Nudge up the hull armor a little
Add class 9-10 weaps/shields
Maybe add more batteries/bots
Maybe add a little more cargo space
Decrease Cruise chargeup to 4 seconds from 5

Very Heavy Fighters:

Drop the top speed
Maybe increase cargo space


Drop the top speed a bit
Double the cargo space
Add class 7-8 weaps/shields
Maybe add more batteries/bots
Increase output from powerplant for higher-class weaps

Other Ideas:

Make missles more useful, mostly by increasing speed and turn rate
Bump up the batteries to 500 from 300 (This I've already done)
Thrusters that push you over cruise-speed(300) but only last a few seconds before draining.
Add a little extra speed to each better class of thruster.

Can't think of much else right now, but also want to know if anyone would be interested in testing this if I do it.

-ShadowStar SunSlayer

Edited by - ShadowStar on 26-03-2003 02:06:45

Edited by - ShadowStar on 26-03-2003 02:10:15