You know, looking around a bit doesn't hurt, but...
- edit the market_ships.ini (visit FLR tools section for a decompressor)
- go to the desired station's section (Li01_01_base for manhattan, for example)
- find the desired ship line (looks like this: marketgood = oe_package, 16, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1). See that "16"? That's the level requirement for buying that ship at that base.
Ship names are:
gf1_package Starflyer
gf2_package StarTracker
gf4_package Hawk
gf5_package Falcon
gf6_package Eagle
bwf_package Dagger
bwe_package Stilleto
bwe2_package Sabre
bwfr_package Dromedary
cof_package Legion
coe_package Centurion
coe2_package Titan
lf_package Patriot
le_package Defender
lfr_package Rhino
bf_package Cavalier
be_package Crusader
bfr_package Clydesdale
kf_package Drake
ke_package Dragon
kfr_package Drone
rf_package Banshee
re_package Valkyrie
rfr_package Humpback
pf_package Bloodhound
pe_package Wolfhound
pfr_package Mule
bhf_package Piranha
bhe_package Barracuda
bhe2_package Hammerhead
oe_package Anubis
Hope that helps,
" Infinity? Nah, been there. " +++ =)
*eyes his post count*
Yay! Look at me, I'm the eternal board recruit!
Remind me to go smack myself the next time I put an underscore in my name.