Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:21 am

Modding problem

I don't know what it is, but when I try to put Sabre on sale in Manhattan it doesn't show it. It still shows the Patriot ship where the Sabre must be.
I'm sure I got it right, but obviously something is wrong. Very wrong. Maybe it's nothing but I also put some high level weapons, turrets, the best torpedoes and missiles on sale, could they affect this. I don't think so, but I'd like an expert opinion. I also changed the level restricion of ship purchase to one on Sabre.

If it isn't too much to ask I'd like to know what do I exactly have to do to put a Sabre on sale in Manhattan so I could see what I did wrong. I think I can handle the weapons but the ship is a problem. So could anyone help me out please.