Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 11:42 pm

Help with lvl edit

I am trying to make it so that your character can lvl up beyond level 38. I edited the ptough.ini so that you can get up to level 84. Thats the highest level acheivable before your money is maxed out. I used an approx. of the increase that the normal game uses for lvls 1-38(something like a .8775 increase for each level). Anyway, I can only get up to level forty when it should be much higher if the ptough.ini was all that needed to be edited. Does anyone know of other files that need to be edited for the levels to continue past 40? Any help would be apprietiated. Also, if anyone wants my ptough.ini file just ask!


Only the dead have seen the end of war.............Plato