Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 1:10 am

>>>> important Editing freelancer.ini

I run the major RP server, The Zampolit( and would liek to share what modding the freelancer.ini does and does not do. Very important to read for server stability!

Here is what is important to Multiplayer:<my comments inside these and under the line it pertains to> - All can be LOWEST/BELOW_NORMAL/NORMAL/HIGH/HIGHEST
DLL = Content.dll, GameSupport, HIGHEST ;
<do not change this, this is heart of the server>
; required to operate gates and docks
; required to create ships in space
DLL = Content.dll, SpaceSupport, NORMAL ;highest
<HIGHEST capable, but will crash the system if too many players come online...don't mod>
DLL = Content.dll, BaseSupport, NORMAL ;
<HIGHEST capable, but will crash the system if too many players come online...don't mod>

DLL = Content.dll, SpacePop, NORMAL ;populator
<HIGH capable, but will crash once 20+ people come online...leave at normal>
DLL = Content.dll, AISandbox, BELOW_NORMAL ; t
<HIGHEST capable, but causes major instability when 20+ online>
DLL = Content.dll, TestAutomation, BELOW_NORMAL ; highest
<HIGHEST capable, but causes major instablility when 20+ online>
DLL = Content.dll, BasePop, LOWEST ;normal
<NORMAL capable, but causes major instability when 20+ online>

The noted lvl in the <> notes the highest level you can set these as, if you try to setup something beyond that(like spacepop to HIGHEST) will cause server crash at loadup.
1)the xxxSUPPORT is the # of NPCs that will spawn when you attack convoy/base
2) the xxxPOP is the 'random wandering' NPCs around the BASE(or planet)/SPACE
3) I reccomend only modifying the BASEPOP or SPACEPOP levels, since they are constants. If you have too many NPC's at one time, it will GREATLY change lag. I can run SpacePOP at HIGH, but lag with 20 people can reach a nasty 2000ping! But at normal it's only 10ping.
4) If have a high member # 20+ people, don't go beyond the default levels. But if you are running a 12- server, then adding these will double/triple the NPC rate! It was fun, but WOW having 30baddies at a jump gate is nasty.
5) If you are 32+ people, lowering the SpacePop to BELOW_NORMAL will half the NPC number, and greatly help lag issues(Gets boring for those picking on NPCs, but provides more stability if it's Player interaction that is important...because less ping)