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Mission 8: How do you do it?

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. This also the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:13 pm

Mission 8: How do you do it?

I've got Starlancer and i hate the controls, but anyway, i cant beat mission 7 or 8. The one where you have to destroy the Russian Carrier, Ramases. I can destroy it, and I can save the general, but not on the same mission. Help!

Post Fri Sep 05, 2003 9:37 am


For 7, I basically hit the a-burner the moment you warp to baxter, this gets you close to the carrier. Lock your nr fighter and blow him away, keep on at the fighters. If you cannot get all the fighters quick enough with guns target a fighter and use a missile, immediately target the next fighter and so on. Usually the enemy fighters have a period of recovery when hit by a missile, it's not much but you can save people in that time. Then you move on the carrier, take out the shield gen first followed by a few fighters and the turrets on facing your carrier, thus when gamma attack they are shot. This'll bag you the carrier.

For 8, do a 180 on launch and a-burn towards where the attack comes from. Ignore fighters, take out the shield gen and a few turrets. a-burn back to your carrier when kamovs arrive and target the torps. There are 2 choices here, either burn to the 1st kamov and kill it followede by it's torp then just target torps. or circle the reliant killing torps as you go. Once safe, back to the other carrier and finish the turrets etc.

hope it helps


Post Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:52 pm

for saving lifepods in Ramases hunt, stay close to the Nanny and take out any fighters that come near, and that's it. Then jump to the Reliant and do as Skymouse says.
For Krasnaya, I suggest killing off as many fighters as you can before being called to the Reliant. I usually stay close to it and take out the torps as they come. The Kamovs get killed anyway, when the last torp is dealt with. After that afterburn to the Krasnaya, get the shield generator and all turrets (be fast). Note that after some time your subtarget swithes to her engines, so press "S" till you get another turret, then move fast to assist Gamma and take out the remaining fighters. Good luck!
BTW, why do you hate the controls? You can redefine keys, IIRC.

Post Thu Sep 25, 2003 11:26 pm

BlazeMe, you said that you hate the controls. What kind of joystick do you use ? I noticed that if you have a joystick or gamepad with at least 8 buttons and a z-axis for handling the throttle, that you don't spend much time (in total panic, because you are on a time limit...) hanging over your keyboard for the next button to hit. The most common commands are assigned then to your joystick buttons. This could probably take away most of your headache.

"Moose, I have just one thing to say to you............SHUT UP !!!!!"

Post Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:32 pm

I have a Sidewinder FF 2 with 8 btns, a throttle and 3 axis and it works fine. Also have a Sidewinder PP with 16 btns, a throttle and 3 axis and it works fine. If you don't have a throttle or z-axis, or if you're just too used to FreeLancer, that might explain the hatingnessnessness.

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