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No Show on the Guns ( Wing Comander Total Conversion 2.6)

This is where you can ask for help and post your knowledge on error messages from using the various tools that describe error messages in MODs such as DataStorm the Freelancer MOD Scanner the server console and FLSpit.

Post Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:37 am

No Show on the Guns ( Wing Comander Total Conversion 2.6)

I don't know if some of the guns are supposed to show up, or what, but I just recently downloaded and played the Wing Commander Total Conversion mod, and non of the guns showed up on out side of the ships. On some only the mountings and the barrel tips showed up. Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up.

† Nexus‡Warrior †

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:40 pm

The guns, missiles, torpedo launchers, mine droppers, and decoy launchers are ALL 1/3rd the size of Freelancer's.
Some of the ships, like the Epee, and the Hornet, have their Wing Commander weapon's as part of the model.
Many players complained that the combination with the Freelancer sized weapons looked awkward.
I resized the weapons so that they would be imperceptible, as they are in Wing Commander.
If you look really close, you'll notice small lines, or dots, where the weapons should be.

Watch your 6!

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