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This is for new and old members alike where you can say Hi and tell us about yourself and any malfunctions you may have.

Post Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:28 pm


Well I've been looking at Freelancer for a couple years now *drooling over it* and I finally decided to get it. I also bought Starlancer on impulse at the same time.
I still have to wait for the games to arrive so I am controlling my patience by playing the demo's of both over again.
The only downfall to this game for me is the fact that I will not be able to play it online for a couple years, You see I am behind a router that I don't have the password for. And I am still living with my parents.

Does Starlancer have a practice sim type of thing? were you set the enemies?
or do I just get the missions and multiplay out of it?


btw any reason why my Img tag doesn't work? has that been disabled?

Havok Clan

Yep... because you had the tag wrong, your site link was ok and now the image link is good to go...

Edited by - bakedpotato on 8/6/2006 3:05:18 PM

Post Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:35 pm

As far as i know, its just SP these days. There are no more severs running it. sorry.

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