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Ello ello there!

This is for new and old members alike where you can say Hi and tell us about yourself and any malfunctions you may have.

Post Tue May 09, 2006 8:45 pm

Ello ello there!

Hello again all. Used to frequent these forums long ago as a lurker, years now back when freelancer was the new game out. Well, i was digging through my huge piles of CD's sitting about and happened across Freelancer and was smashed by a wave of nostalgia. Up and running once again, patched and such, blowing through the SP campaign and finding the magic all over again. It's like falling in love with the game for the first time. ^^ Just wanted to drop a line and say it is great to be back!

Now.. on a side note... I have to ask.. What are the good mods now days? any still keeping up and updating regularly? or have most given up the ghost?

Post Tue May 09, 2006 10:01 pm

hi my name is rich i am crunnently beta testing the epsilon 3.12 mod i have a small server evil empire revolution 24/7 beta . my web site link is on lancers and so is my forums if you want try it out give me a holla. everything you need is on my forums.

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