now using a mac
i was playing fl ages ago...

only proppt by to read some once in a while but never was a real member who had to tell anything to the community.
now my friends from times with fl and i would like to play again but i changed to mac

i thought i saw a copy of fl for mac in a store just 1 1/2 years ago and wondered how they can charge the same price still.
was this a fatamorgana? or does fl really exist for mac? i am looking for it but no reseller has it...
if one of you knows anyone who has an original freelancer game for mac laying under layers of dust and wants to sell it: PLEASE send me a note!
i thought it might not be offtopic since i introduce myself as a oldtimegamer who wants to play it again... (just on a mac now)

i really enjoy to read that there are still people playing that blackpearl.
thanks in advance for every constructive suggestion about fl on mac.
meet and merry part and merry meet again.
Edited by - Celticmoon on 4/20/2006 3:28:00 AM
Edited smile out, not allowed in subject line

Edited by - Finalday on 5/10/2006 10:41:56 AM