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Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.

This is for new and old members alike where you can say Hi and tell us about yourself and any malfunctions you may have.

Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:24 pm

Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.

My perfered name is Alfa T. Astrix, but I normally just go by alfa. I am a high school student who has been messing with computes since I was eight, and own a "wanna-be" company that made some money last year, then went to hell this year. I am currently working on a mod, but don't expect it to be done anytime soon do to only me doing it, and my time being taken up by everything else. I am also an inventor, but most of my ideas come from sci-fi shows so no one takes them serious.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:46 am

i dare to contradict. everything can be nothing, or something. however nothing is something, for what is nothing if not nothing, which would in fact give you something, nothing.

Post Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:03 am

what are your inventions and don't asume no-one will take them seriously. I myself am the invewntor of the earth-shattering Tawakalna Mk II Gravy Spoon Holder, designed to prevent gravy spoons from falling out of too small a gravy pan.

Post Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:03 am

cool to hear that you at least tried to run a business. Dont let it stop you from trying agine. I am trying to market my own board game ( yea it would be easier,and cheaper to sell it to a company, but were is the fun in that) and because od finatal shortages (read as no money to my name lol) I am haveing difficulty getting the game printed and boxed. But I will pressivere. And that is the additude you need to have a successful business. And good luck on the mod I hope to see it on this site.

Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

quote " going to my Happy Place would do me no good it is full of blood, carnage, and destruction" :ME

Post Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:35 pm

1) Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything means that you could have everything in the world, but after time it would feel like nothing, but if you don't have anything, after time, you still feal like you don't have anythng.

2) A few of myinventions are:
A device that acts like a stragate, but can go anywhere in the universe instead of a limited area.
I've figured out how to make mechs and gundams that would actually work.
I've figured out how to travel through time, but can't because it's too damn expensive.
I've created an actual gravity generator, that uses nothing more than magnets to create gravity.
Figured out how to travel at least half the speed of light through space, if not at the speed of light.
And my list goes on from there that are practicly sci-fi, that I've made real.

3) My buissness is getting there and we have already tried to create a board game but failed, and tryed to creat a video game but failed. And now we are really in the hole with me being the last person to be appart of Technological Colony.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:16 am

well I can see why you are haveing problems.
found this little jem on a website (tried to make this a clicky but it would not work right for me )
it shows a two legged manned robot.
have you copywrited any of these inventions yet? can you give us any details on them? I have done alot of reasearch on intersteller travel and have found that wormholes are the way to go, but I have found that only in a zero-g, near vacume would the device accully work reasonably well. And even then you need anextreamly large amount of negative mass energy fo it to stay open long enough to let anyone pass thru.

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Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:25 am

No I haven't copyrighted them, so I can't tell you much (wish I knew how to), but what I can tell you is that my device that acts like a stargate does use wormholes (stable ones) but more "rips" any space to form them. Also, It can be used anywhere (designed for both in space and on a planet). The only bad thing about it is, is that if the wormhole gets unstable, it would increase it's gavitational pull, then suck everything into to it, while spinning at over the speed of light, destroying everything (I.E. our Solar system and all humans). But it cost a hell of a lot to do, and plaus I'm still in the tweeking stage.

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