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Looking for a good, inexpencive gamepad, recommendations?

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Post Sat Feb 18, 2006 9:46 pm

Looking for a good, inexpencive gamepad, recommendations?

I just got GTA: SA for my PC on the 17th, and although the M/K controls are playable, it's still damn-near impossible to fly something effectively. I've been looking at gamepads today, and the ones I've seen all have mixed customer reviews. I know that some people here almost have to own one, so I'm looking for some recommendations that aren't that expencive, but not total crap. I don't want to go above 30 US dollars because I don't have a lot of money ATM. I'd prefer one that resembles a PS2 controller.

Thanks in advance.

Post Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:02 pm

i have a controller USB style thats similar to a PS2 dual shock 2...rumbles and everything I bought the little guy at Wal-Mart for $14.95 US dollars its a "Game Elements Recoil PC Game pad" works great with NFS:Most wanted (black edition) and all the other racing games i play GTA:Vice City and SA work well....though they are FAR better on PS2...(its weird i have the games on both pc and console )

Either way, its great for its value and really durable...also, its cord retracts after use

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

Post Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:05 am

Try the MS Sidwinder game pad. I use it for Final Fantasy and it works really good. However, it seems to no longer be available. An alternative is Logitech Dual Action Game Pad PC for $18.22 at Walmart.

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