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The Inferior Nature of the Windows OS

This is where you can ask questions and get and give help about hardware related issues. This Forum will be moderated by Taw with help from some other experts. So feel free to ask any questions you may have about computers.

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:12 am

Windows is for everyone else who is too stupid to use linux

Can linux run all the applications that most people want to use, right now? Has it got such a massive selection of programs, applications and games as Windows has? Is it designed specifically so that even the biggest retard can get what they want, whilst others can be provided with everything they need?

If not, then saying your above statement is rather shortsighted isn't it? And inconsiderate - indeed typical of the type of person who has just learned about something, and is still riding on his own high about it. Most don't bother because they can accept both the strengths and weaknesses of both operating systems equally for what they are. They don't have the "snobbery" as you may call it.

As for "DOS" - I thought dos could only run one application at a time, no multitasking or background stuff, hence why it was made redundant as time moved forward.

A random fact for you to enjoy on linux though - X2 is being "ported" (or whatever its called) to linux, so I guess some games devs are going to cater for the widest audience possible - got to be beneficial hasn't it? Will others follow suit?

However, when I need to know about Linux, I'll learn about it I am sure.
I don't think I will have the attitude to then post a thread about how much better it is, and call everyone else stupid though......

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:59 am

akshuly there were DOs multi-tasking programs - how the hell they worked I dont know but I can promise you Ive seen them, an event management firm i did some work for once had such a thing. I didnt think ti was possible but with clever programming i suppsoe anything can be done...

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:10 am

ahhhh Windows Me (AKA Windows Mistake Edition) Like Taw I deal with or have dealt with Unix Linux Mac Wintel and a whole lot of mainframe nonsense. For work there is no "inferior OS" Just ones that play to the strength (hopefully) of the Co. For home use I use xp pro for alot of the reasons stated previously Its easy it plays my games I rarely have to go beyond basic troubleshooting before I'm right as rain again.

as to the *remind me of DOS
I love DOS just recently I set up a DOS box for some good old gaming goodness....but it is a bit frustrating remembering all the minutiae that makes it a decent gaming rig. For those who still Love DOS I recommend setting one up from scratch to remember what the OS was rather than the nostalgia associated with the years of the best gaming ever

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:49 am

For those who are interested, this thread is all about me taking the piss. It lasted longer than my experiement wanted to, so yeah.

I still think linux rocks, but yeah, windows is okay.... i guess.

You wanna revolution?

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:02 am

funny, bp always gets replies like that after he posts a quote.

I was thinking of installing a linux distro on my other hard drive to see how it is...i probably should...

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:23 am

Bust if you get the latest Mandrake... i cant remember what they're up to. but its got a sweet partitioner.

You wanna revolution?

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:04 pm

wotchoo talkin bout ssgarretjax, Dos is easy-peasy lemon-squeasy to set up. all you have to remember is devicehigh and loadhigh if you need high memory, and to not put it in if youre using the Dos4G/w extender.

ok maybe its not so easy but it all comes flooding back. including all the switches. ah, DOS. bootdisks. Dosshell. no goddam Windows. proper batch files. rosy glow of nostalgia.

6.22 was my fav, you could do almost anything with that.

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:17 pm

Don't suppose any one else saw DOS 7.0 for the month that it was out, and then yanked to give us win95? It was on the shelf of an Office Maxx store, I had 6.22 at the time and out off for a week getting it, went back and it was gone. If I could have got it, it would have been worth a killing of money for the rareity of it.

Post Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:56 am

and who could forget gorilla ? I still calculate banana trajectories *(grumbles stupid gorilla #2 always mocking me.....

Post Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:58 am

i still do the dance, and the tune!

btw did anyone know that if you have a 64-bit processor and are using XP 64-bit edition and you install more than 2gb Ram, you can get up to an extra 25-30% performance out of your system. M$ technical rep told me that the other week.

Edited by - Tawakalna (Reloaded) on 9/16/2005 5:53:28 AM

Post Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:26 am

Not sure if you are sarcastic; but you can get DOS 7.0 out of Windows 95/98

Or download unofficial DOS 7.1 here for free (shareware)

Post Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:41 pm

oh I remember things like
"and the old favorite's like "
@echo off
keyb us

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