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Max vs. Optimal Weapon Class

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Post Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:22 am

Max vs. Optimal Weapon Class

I noticed my ship stats say something like optimal weapon class 3 and maximum weapon class 5. What is the difference?

Thank you.

Post Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:49 am

max class is the highest class weapon you can mount on that ship
optimum class is the highest class that allows you to fire the longest (IIRC, something like 15-20sec)

Chris Bates

Post Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:35 pm

It's not much important, I use to mount the highest weapon the ship can. It's as if the vendor says "That ship was designed to mount class-x weapons, but you can anyway mount class-x+2 weapons. The energy will not long so last, so you can run out of energy in middle of a doghfight, so it's your deccission what to mount"
Ey, wait 10 seconds to reload your energy banks it's no so hard

Post Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:44 am

I've always found it slightly irritating that everybody else in the story line game -- Juno, King, all of the good guy NPCs -- fly ships with more powerful guns and shields than their ships are supposed to be allowed to use. If they can, then why can't I?

Post Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:09 am

It's an interesting point: The universe it's made to be explored in the SP campaing, so, as you are going deep and deep in it, you can get better and better ships/equipment. If you take the Freelancer's universe from a realistic perspective, doesn't matter how good the liberty pilots are, them are just CRAP against the whole sirius sector (level 3 ships, what a joke for a Valkirie).
And we notice that the main characters are from the houses, mainly the liberty house. That means that them have to be flying in a house's fighter, as them WORK from that house. You are just a freelancer, and can do whatever you want with what you are piloting in.
So, how could we make that point balanced, as the liberty fighters are the space equivalent to paper-made airplanes to the rest of the ingame factions? Just trick'em. End of the story.

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