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question on hud / weapons list

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Post Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:04 am

question on hud / weapons list

just one main question for now - if you'll be so good.

I've figured out how to get the javelin missile launcher installed and also a razor mine dropper. After I launched in to space the two new weapons show in my hud weaps list but were blue/gray. I clicked them both and they went to green. I think that when they are green they will fire at intervals when the main weaps are fired but when they are blue/gray they have to be fired with the Q and E keys? Is that right?

I have got a manual - there is a 20 page pdf file on the CD but it only covers real basic stuff and doesn't cover half the stuff that I keep wanting to know, some can be figured out with a bit of experimentation but it can be a bit of a pain not being able to find out anything from the manual. sheesh, it's not that I'm being lazy.

FYI, I restarted and have now got myself bit better prepared for mission 5. I have the Defender with a class 3 shield in place of the crappy one the comes with it. I can't find class 4 shields listed at any of the stations in my nav map / base list. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve my weapons loadout then let me know, I currently have the following.

I've got mounted:

3 Adv. Stunpulse Class 3
2 Raphiel Class 4 (looted)
1 Stunpulse turret Class 2
Imp. Countermeasure Dropper
Torpedo slot empty
Razor Mine Dropper

Not mounted (spare):

2 x Javelin Missile Launcher (looted)
2 x Lavablade Class 3 (looted)
1 x Pyros Type 1 Class 4 (looted)
2 x HellFlurry Mk 1 Class 4 (err you guessed)


Javelin missile x 45 (looted)
C/measure flares x 30
razor mines x 20

I've taken the Javelin launcher out atm until I get to see Juni, as I'm in the Texas system and I get jumped practically every time I dock with a trade lane or hit a waypoint. Good job I'm not paranoid. Is it just that my rep is bad with all the bad guys or that Texas is a generally lawless place or both or what?

I think I saw somewhere that certain weaps are not compatible with each other, is there a list anywhere of what goes with what?

Oh and I've got about 70k in cash from doing assass. and combat missions but as I can't get jump access I can't buy the Barracuda that I wanted. I did find a jump hole and I paid the bounty hunters ('cus they really really like me) for info on another 2 but even though one goes to Cortez it won't let me dock - is this because of my rep with someone?

Great game by the way


Post Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:06 pm

As far as your weaps in the list, you are able to select and deselct which weaps fire whe you fire your primary weapon fire button. These are green. Depending on your weapon loadout, you may want to only use certain weapons at certain times.

I changed my missles and mines to be other buttons on my mouse, that way all weapons are available ot me with one hand.

As for the other loadout question, I have not payed SP in such a long time, I cannot offer any hep there.

Post Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:31 pm

thanks dude, you answered my main question.

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