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Sirius sector

Discussion Forum for people new to Freelancer. Here you can ask any question about Freelancer without fear...

Post Sun May 15, 2005 11:26 am

Sirius sector

Can any1 enlighten me on how you get to the Sirius Sector?Thats if you can ,i've heard lots about it on the forums but nothing on how to get there.Wheres the borderworlds as well?
So many questions

Cheers Gaz

Post Sun May 15, 2005 4:25 pm

Excuse me? Are you playing Starlancer or Freelancer. If you are playing Freelancer, than you are always in the Sirious sector. It is all of the systems combined. Rhienland, Liberty, borderworlds, edgeworlds, everything is in the Sirious sector. To get to the border worlds, then you should go to New Berlin, then go to Planet New Berlin in New Berlin, then, on your nav map, there should be a trade lane that is just below Planet New Berlin heading toward an astroid field. near the trade lane is Sigma-13 system jump hole. If you don't find it, keep on looking till you do, cause it's there, just hard to find. Good luck!

"There's my contraband. Now can I have it back so I can be on my own happy little illegal way?"

Post Mon May 16, 2005 11:36 am

What spider said .All combined.

A 8 man team cant defeat a science research center filled with who knows what that have already killed 500 people....

If your biggest gun doesnt work first then drop it and run like heck.....

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