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flmm not working????

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Post Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:51 pm

flmm not working????

ok well it is working for the most part, but it isen't making changes to rh04.ini in systems. now i have a other jumpholes useing the xml scripts to keep this size down, they all work but this.... any ideas?

here's the code.

<data file="DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\RH04\Rh04.ini" method="append">
nickname = rh04_to_trader_delight
ids_name = 458820
pos = -24453, 0, -45649
Archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_trader_delight
ids_info = 458803
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = trader_delight, trader_delight_to_Rh04, gate_tunnel_bretonia

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_1
ids_name = 261163
pos = -28420, 0, -34692
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_2
ids_name = 261163
pos = -28256, 0, -35344
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_3
ids_name = 261163
pos = -28093, 0, -35997
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_4
ids_name = 261163
pos = -27876, 0, -36704
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_5
ids_name = 261163
pos = -27604, 0, -37411
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_6
ids_name = 261163
pos = -27387, 0, -38172
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_7
ids_name = 261163
pos = -24777, 0, -44914
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_8
ids_name = 261163
pos = -27223, 0, -38770
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_9
ids_name = 261163
pos = -26952, 0, -39368
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_10
ids_name = 261163
pos = -26625, 0, -40020
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_11
ids_name = 261163
pos = -26299, 0, -40727
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_12
ids_name = 261163
pos = -26027, 0, -41380
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_13
ids_name = 261163
pos = -25701, 0, -42032
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_14
ids_name = 261163
pos = -25375, 0, -42630
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_15
ids_name = 261163
pos = -25103, 0, -43283
archetype = m10_buoy

nickname = Rh04_hazard_buoy_16
ids_name = 261163
pos = -24885, 0, -44098
archetype = m10_buoy

know should i use a new xml, or should i just use the rh04.ini ? or can you see the proplem

Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:59 am

I have had issues in the past with this problem, but thought it was just me

First up - tell the creator of FLMM - I dunno if Matt is still working on it at all, or if he "supports" it anymore, but if he does, then maybe he can have a look as to why sometimes the scripts don't append.

To fix your issue - I mostly do a "section replace" when this happens, and then replace the LAST object in the Rh04.ini file with itself + all of the stuff you want in there as well.
Gets round the problem - not as nice as the append for sure, but it will get round it (hopefully).

Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:28 pm

thx chips, i'll do that...

EDIT: all i did to solve it was, i made a new .xml and copyed the stuff that diden't work over

Edited by - NightHound on 1/13/2005 1:00:37 AM

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:11 pm

That has happened to me so i replaced the

<data file="DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\RH04\Rh04.ini" method="append">


and for some reason it worked.

Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:31 am

The best solution to your problem is to refrain from scripted mods.
They degrade the freelancer installation and are an open invitation to errors.

"No Comment"

Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 5:09 pm

Not to contradict Glock because he is one of the best when it comes to modifying the files and his intelligence level is close to Einstein's.
He forgets that this is modding for beginners and Glock is about as advanced as you can get.

There can be a good point to scripts also though...
They can generate the necessary entries in the ini files without hand editing the files which if you make a mistake causes problems so either way errors can happen but what makes scripts nice is that scripting can make it easy for those that do not want to edit the dll files because the script can generate the necessary data without having to edit a dll file...
So I suppose they have their good and bad points.

Edited by - bakedpotato on 3/5/2005 6:21:15 PM

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