you need to add the [EncounterParameters section at the top of your system ini (or at least before using the encounter.
check how it is made in existing systems.
also verify that the encounter is ok for the faction you are using. i.e. an attack encounter type dosnt make sense for a convoy and so on, you get the idea.
also verify the difficulty of the encounter - the factions must have ships defined for that difficulty or nothing will appear.
this is a very complex topic
ill try to summarize it:
- [EncounterParameters
- Faction
- encounter type should fit to faction
- difficulty for encounter
ill try to give you an example:
all from br01.ini (just cause it was the top one, lol:
nickname = area_trade_freighter
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_freighter.ini
encounter = area_trade_freighter,
4 , 0.220000
faction = co_be_grp, 0.400000
faction = br_m_grp, 0.400000
faction = gd_im_grp, 0.200000
4 is the difficulty.
verify faction_props.ini, look for the nickname of the faction (like br_p_grp), check the npc_ship lines there. the numbers at the end usually show the difficulty of the ships ( -> rank)
these are again defined in npcships.ini
all these things must be correct or the system will most probably crash. or the ships wont appear.
you see, many files are linked together in this if you look up the nicknames.
let us know if this worked.