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Fuel Pods, Useful?

Here you can discuss tactics and strategies to best beat your opponents. What is the best loadout for each ship? How do you use "Reverse Thrust" and "Sliding"?

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 1:59 am

Fuel Pods, Useful?

I was just wondering if you guys actually use fuel pods or just divert power to engines. I've always found afterburners useful but I seem to use a lot of fuel. I'm currently piloting a Mirage IV (Mission 5), 110 Afterburner fuel with 2 fuel pods (+100 for 210 total). Is this overdoing it?

there is apparently a widespread myth among users that "spamming" is what happens when you dump cans of Spam into a revolving fan.


Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:49 pm

I rarely need more than two. Basically, I don't take them at all unless it's a torpedo hunt mission.

Light is faster than sound. It is for this reason that some people seem bright until you hear them talk.

Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:15 am

I always bring 0-2 fuel pods (depending on the mission, and how fast my ship is) and fill the rest of my hardpoints with screamers. I've never needed more than 2 fuel pods, even with the slowest heavy fighters. I would use 0 or 1 with a Mirage, personally.

Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:30 am

Oh, and about diverting power to engines--sure, it works great for covering large expanses of space. But when I'm in a dogfight or making strafing runs on a capital ship, and I suddenly need more speed, the last thing I want is to lose energy to shields and guns. So afterburners and the powerball each have their place.

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