Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:10 pm by H.Q. Victor
Admiral Bargib and Commander Spix were conferring over the current situation. They both decided it would be a good idea to have the fighter support in space when the fleet dropped out of hyper space. That way, they could engage the enemy fighters quickly, taking an element of surprise. Arania would head up the assault wings and relay all orders to the wings as needed. Bargib was still doubtful of success of this battle. A lot hinged on the bluff they had to pull off. The Death Star would still have to be dealt with, but, this battle was a diversion as well. A smaller, more powerful fleet was headed to Yavin and the shipyards. They had to destroy it at all costs.
Darkstone had spent the last two hours going over detail after detail of his encounter with the Sith Lord. He explained the reason for the video as it was to draw out the Sith Master in hopes of ending the conflict. Then, he produced a piece of evidence that he had left out of his report. A communication message to the student, but from someone else other than Darth sycho_warrior. It was a male voice, one that no one remembered ever hearing before. All that was on it were the words, Continue with the plan, I will send your Master to you soon. Someone who would be over a Master, would be even a greater threat.
Darkstone saw the incredulous looks on the others. There were many here that doubted the existence of the sith, but thought it was just a rouge Jedi. Now, though, they were confronted with the reality of the situation. They had to face the reality, that this would be a more difficult fight than anticipated. This, was a fight for their very survival.
The Dark Master, waited in her chambers, waited till she could have her revenge, waited, until she could face her enemy. This one, she knew, but how? Her memory of being a Jedi was there, just buried. She had only gained the memory of her parents through the help of another, one strong in the darkside of the force. She knew what he expected, she would not let him down. But first things first, revenge on the planet that started it all. She stood, facing the star mass. She closed her eyes, meditating on the power she drew from the dark side, focusing it, focusing on it. She felt herself lighter than air. “My Lord, we will be dropping out of Hyper space in five minuets” Came Commander Indy’s voice.
She readied herself and headed for the bridge. She would give the order to fire herself. Then, what was left would be mopped up by the fleet. They would be reduced to rubble before her. Then, she would leave orbit in the Death Star to the world that housed the Jedi council. That course had already been laid in. They would all be defeated, in a single day...........!
To Be Continued
Stay tuned for-
TLR Wars: Episode Two - The Fall of the Jedi
Edited by - Finalday on 10/14/2004 7:03:58 PM