what is Tawakalnistan? how can i begin to describe perfection manifest on Earth? tawakalnistan is the flower of nations, it beauty unparalled, it's industrious and pious people working hard fro the communal good. The highest standards of morality abound, crime is insignificant (apart from cod-stealing cats!) literacy and intellectual life are cherished, and the people are utterly devoted to their spiritual leader and founder of the nation, the Grand Mullah
Bravely resisting all efforts by
outside forces to alter their noble way of life and force them to accept the corrupt decadence of theirr capitalist and imperialist enemies (Mustantopia *pah*, Noo Dworkia *spit*, Factorovia *too far away*, and some other cr*ppy stinkholes of no account) the people of Tawakalnistan will gladly pay the ultimate sacrifice to defend their culture, their territory, and their blessed leader.
it's a paradise, led by a saint.