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Welcome to Tawsburg : pt 3 The showdown!

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Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 4:27 pm

Welcome to Tawsburg : pt 3 The showdown!

It begins! An now is complete!

This part is a bit longer.

Disclamer - no offence intended.


Edited by - Finalday on 4/24/2004 2:26:26 PM

Edited by - Finalday on 9/14/2004 7:51:15 PM

Edited by - Finalday on 9/17/2004 7:14:38 PM

Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 4:27 pm

Sir Specter was back in the book store. Business never was very busy, but he was able to make a living. He also agreed to write a column for Indy and the paper. He just didn’t know what he would write about yet.

Chapter 5

About a week after the incident in the livery, Bargib called for a town meeting at the forum. Everyone was to attend that was physically able, even the youths. About noon, Bargib went into the Forum, the tables already been moved out of the way to accommodate all the people. Bargib stood on a table in the front to be seen and heard. “All right people, settle down” he started, “I got some things to say”. A hush spread out over the crowd. He began by explaining about the livery incident, and a little about the visit with the Marshal. He laid out the information that (The Outcasts) were a gang of about five hundred men.

They are growing in numbers and were responsible for the deaths of over one hundred people. There was a mummer rippling through the crowd. He explained that they were terrorizing the nearby towns and had sent two men to spy out our town. He told them that one of the two men was the second in command of the gang, which meant they would be coming here soon. The mummer grew. Bargib signaled the Marshal to come up. “This is the US Marshal who gave us the information on the gang and a way to stop them” he slowed, ”I will require many volunteers from among you to leave with us to confront the gang. We want to leave only a few men in the town to protect the women and children.” He gave them a few minutes to settle down, then continued. “Chips will remain with you to organize your defense. What I need now is those who will go with us to raise their hands.” Only one forth of those present went up. The Marshal spoke up, “If you don’t go to them, they will come to you”. One half of the remainder raised their hands. Bargib nodded, “Ok, those with your hands up remain, the others, meet Chips over at the school house”. Of the men who left, were Aod, Orillion, supersnipa, jagged and about 25 others. sycho_warrior started organizing the children and took them to the Hotel. She and Hamster_Huey could manage them to make it easier on the adults who were to be armed.

Bargib drew up five lists with a deputy for each list to organize it. There would be about thirty to thirty five men per group. So few among so many. As the men were being assigned, it was questioned who would the fifth leader was. Bargib nodded and Locutus came up. At least one gun was drawn. “Easy, the poster was a lie” Bargib said quickly, “Locutus is a US Marshal, sent to try to infiltrate the gang. The poster was to help him to be able to join” he explained, “But something went wrong when he met the second in command.” he concluded, “he heard of the spy trip to search us out and came to stop it, even risking his life because of the wanted poster. “ The Marshal spoke, “We have another man keeping an eye on them right now and we will know a little more soon.”

As the day went on, more was worked out as to what the teams would do. Wolfy and Eh_Steve volunteered to play bait as they were the fastest riders. Their parents knew the danger, but other than turning tail and running, they knew they could not get away from this fight. Outside of town, there was a narrow canyon that led toward the Outcasts main camp. It was defendable on both sides with several large boulders through it. Bargib proposed putting the best rifle shots on the walls over looking the canyon with 10 on each wall and the others split in half at the entrance and half way down. Wolfy and Eh_Steve would ride by the camp and attempt to draw some of them out in the pretext of surprise. Then they would head to the canyon and lead them into the trap.

Once the Outcasts were in the canyon, Bargib would give the signal for the front ground shooters to open fire. When the outcasts stopped to shoot back, the wall men would then open fire. The rear would only show themselves if the enemy tried to flee.

Of the wall shooters, the first picked to lead one side was freighter fighter as he was about the best shot around. Arcon was on the other wall and would lead that group. Kimk would hold the rear groung team as he was a good shot with a pistol.

Stinger had his teams about setup. He drew Taw, Indy, Stormtrooper and Firewing for the leaders. Indy and fire wing got the wall shooters while Taw and storm took the ground roll. Each had their men and thanks to the understanding of Arania, they were well armed. He knew what was at stake and gave them what ever was needed. Stingers team would be set up in a boxed canyon on the other side of the camp. Gromit and Esq would be the bait this time. Between the two teams, they hoped to whittle down the outcasts by over fifty men before they could figure out what was happening.

According to the look out, it would be possible to get them divided, but this hit and run tactic would be safest. The main body could then be surrounded after dark by the remaining teams and those who survived the to ambushes. The Marshal had sent another thirty of his men to assist the town, all good shots.

Chips went to the hotel to check up on the children. sycho_warrior said they had it under control, holding a pistol and a derringer. Hamster_Huey had a rifle to boot. Chips then headed to check out the barricades at both ends of the main street.

The look out made one final check and headed out to find Bargib. Boscoe had his teams divided into three smaller groups with Gowerspaul leading one, Neo_Kuja leading th second and Nickless leading the third. Mustangs team was likewise divided and had for the first leader, Heltak, for the second, Leonhart, and the third, Recusant. The surriounding was the easy part, winning, that was different. There would still be over four hundred men to contend with, unless surprise could force them into surrendering.

Bargib was ready. Just needed the final information. The sound of hooves behind him told him the word had arrived. He met the rider and signaled the other leaders in. Wen they arrived, they found that Fear Factor was the look out. He briefed them on all the placements and said it should, with a little luck, go well. They don’t seem to suspect anything.

Wolfy and Eh_Steve climb into their saddles as Bargib walked over. “Now remember, no heroics, just get their attention and act scarred and hi-tail it back here, just don’t loose them wolfy” he said, with a wink. “You got it Bargib, we’re on our way” wolfy said and pulled the rains turning the mount. “All right, get into place but no shooting until I give the word. We need all the surprise we can get and we don’t know exactly how many will follow them.” Bargib said as he climbed into his place.

Locutus had his team and the thirty men from the Marshal with him on the southern end of the camp, about three hundred yard away. They would not move up till dusk and then, slowly. He knew the gang had good shooters, but hoped the surprise would throw them into a panic and start shooting each other.

Stinger had his men set and Esq and Gromit were ready to ride. They would be in the most danger as the box canyon gave them no place to hide when the gang rode up. They knew of two boulders , if they could make it to them.

“You scared” wolfy asked Eh_Steve. “Heck yea, but I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”he answered. They knew they had to look as if they were just out for a ride, and not spying. After a few minuets, they heard a horse whinny. They looked to the right and saw two riders approach. “Hey boys, what are you doing way out here” the first asked. “Just riding, Wolfy said and kept up the pace. They were coming to a low rise ahead. “Hold a bit boys, we want to have ah talk with you” the second rider said.

Bargib was getting a little worried. He wasn’t sure if sending Wolfy and Eh_Steve was such a good idea.

Just as they peaked the rise, Wolfy let out a low groan. The whole camp, he thought. He looked at Eh_Steve and they turned their mounts only to face the two men. Hoping to surprise them, Eh_Steve through the small stick he had been holding. The first rider went to block it and Wolfy let out a “Hy- Yaaa” and they took off back to the canyon as fast as they could ride. Acting scared was no longer an act. They had no less than forty men in pursuit of them.

One of the wall men whistled, and pointed in the direction of the camp. “Their coming” Bargib said to himself. Everyone crouched down so as not to be seen. They just hoped to hear Bargib. Wolfy was getting a little tired, but did not slow down. He took a quick look back and saw they were about fifty feet ahead of the gang. Not good, not good at all. The ride seemed longer when chased.

Bargib was ready. Looking over a boulder, he saw the dust cloud behind Wolfy and Eh_Steve and figured on about forty to fifty men. He looked for the leaders and found them looking at him, waiting for the signal. “NOW” Bargib called out an raised his rifle. Shots rang out from eight different guns. As soon as the first rider drew his gun, shots began to ring from the walls. It took all of five minuets, and it was over. Not a rider survived.. Bargib called all the men in. When he reached open ground, he saw Wolfy slump over in the saddle. Dropping his rifle, he ran to the horse and reached for Wolfy even as he fell fro the saddle. “Wolfy, why did you stay on your horse, kid. “concern as well as a little anger in Bargib’s voice. He saw the blood and looked for the wound. Wolfy had been shot in the shoulder, but should live. He had one of the men dress it and then take him back to town. Wolfy started to protest, but Bargib would have none of it. “Now, its up to the others” he thought. He began to round up the men to head to their positions north of the camp to await darkness. Forty seven killed.

Stinger gave Gromit an Esq the signal to head out. He and the others got into place and waited. The man on the edge of the wall had a good view and would alert him when they approached. “Any time, any time” he thought.

This time, Esq and Gromit got to withing fifty feet of the first tent before they were spotted. They turned tail and headed to the canyon with almost fifty riders behind them. “This is going to be close” Esq said to himself. Gromit was right beside him. The gang following them knew they had these two. No way out of this canyon. Or so they thought.

When Esq and Gromit neared the back of the canyon they slowed the horses and swung off heading for the boulders. They barely made it when Stinger shouted, “FIRE”. Shots rang out from all around. Men falling, suddenly one bolted to the entrance. Taw shouted, “NOW” and his men stood and opened fire an the rider fleeing. He went down after firing two more rounds. Taw had his men then fire on the remaining riders. Seven minutes in this fight, and it was over. The sounds of wounded horses and men. Stinger lost 3 shooters and two more were wounded. They got them onto some horses and had one rider lead them back to town. Taw stopped them before they could leave. “Stinger, I need to go with them, there is no other doctor there to work on them.” Stinger nodded, “you go then”. The other man stayed and the gathered together the remaining horses and mounted up and headed to the east side of the camp. Forty nine killed.

Inside the Outcast’s camp, the leader was conferring with some of his men. They told him of the ones who rode off after some riders. The leader was getting a little edgy. “I want the guard doubled tonight” he told them, but then he made a tactical error. “And I want more fires built around the camp. I want to know if ANY one comes around.”

Locutus looked up when one of his men whistled.. “The others are coming” he thought. And would soon be in place. Thirty minuets before dusk, Bargib arrived with the news. Most was good. They were down ninety four men. That left about three hundred to deal with. “Did you notice the number of fires they have” Bargib commented. “Yes, it looks like they are getting careless” Locutus replied, “but, it also looks like they doubled the guard” he noted to Bargib, pointed to the pairs walking the perimeter.

Just at dusk, riders reached the other men and they laid out Bargib’s plan. One team would start the whole thing with the others following. His team would be the first to fire with the opposite team shooting next. He reasoned that they would think just two groups attacking them and divide themselves. After three minutes of the opposite team shooting the other two teams would then commence shooting. That, Bargib said, should throw them into a panic and hopefully, get them shooting each other.

Stinger, was getting antsy. This would not be easy. It would take a lot of luck for them to survive this one, he thought. He knew Bargib a good tactician, it was just the numbers this time.

Boscoe was ready to go. He had been waiting for three hours for his part when the messenger from Bargib arrived with the plan of attack. He was impressed. His team was to be the second to shoot. He had thirty three men, all had loaded rifles and two pistols apiece. That, he hoped, would be enough ammo as there would be little time to reload.

Back in town, Chips thought it was going to be no challenge when ten riders approached the barricade. They looked about, but saw no other men or blockage. “Howdy” one spoke, “What’s going on?” he asked. Chips decided to play it down, “We heard Locutus was on his way here and we wanted to have a reception for him” Chips answered as he nudged Aod. He then passed the nudge to another. The men seem to relax a little. “NOW” Chips shouted as he and the other ten men pulled their rifles to bare. The riders, caught by surprised, raised their hands. “Slowly, gentlemen, undo your belts and drop them where you are”, pulling the hammer back on the rifle for emphases.

Bargib drew a bead on a guard nearest him as Fear Factor took the other in the pair. Bargib waited for all forty five men to get into place before he fired. “Ka-Pow”, the shot that started it all. The Outcast’s in the gang on patrol drew weapons and returned fire. But they were at the disadvantage of standing too close to the fires and not enough light on the shooters. Outcast started dropping like flies. The second team started shooting now. The leader came out of his tent, guns in hand. “Their in front and behind us.” he shouted. He began barking orders to those closest to him when the other two side rang out with gun fire. “We’re surrounded, everyone for themselves and he raced off for a horse.

Locutus, saw a lone man running for the horses. “It’s him, the leader” he called out. He and five of the closest men took off in pursuit. They got there just as he mounted a horse. “Hold it right there” rifle pointed at the man. “I know you, don’t I “Locutus said, “your Major West or should I say former Major. You were stripped of rank and tried for treason”. “Now, slowly get off that horse with your hands up, and don’t think I won’t shoot” Locutus said, the threat in his voice.


It took a week to get the survivors of the shoot out doctored and put in jail. There were sixty three who surrendered. The others would keep Orillion and his help busy for several days. Some with no names, were put into mass graves with the marker, “Here lies fools for the folly of their error.” Locutus decided to put in for a transfer to the area and stay for a while. The injured slowly recovered, including Wolfy. He lived to spam another day. Fear Factor, had to return home. Many turned out to see him off on the train. It took time, but the town slowly went back to it’s quiet ways and only a few things changed, needless to say, The Forum was not one off them. Taw could be heard laughing in the distance as Esq was the one to miss the chair this time..........



Bargib ---- Boscoe ---- Aod ---- Arcon
Chips ---- Orillian Alpha ---- Indy ---- sycho_warrior
Mustang ---- kimk ---- Wolfy ---- Eh_Steve
Stinger ---- Taw ---- Esq ---- pSYCHO
Bakedpotato ---- Hamster_Huey ----Supersnipa ---- Stormtrooper
freighter fighter ---- Fear Factor---- Locutus ---- Gromit
Neo_kuja ---- Nickless ---- Firewing ---- Jagged
Arania ---- leonhart ---- Sir Specter ----Gowerspaul
Heltak ---- Recusant----

Edited by - Finalday on 4/24/2004 2:27:24 PM

Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 4:37 pm

Oh Man *spit* *PLUNK* I am liking this with every chapter you post, Its so soaking you up into the story, BTW Cool plot twist about me being a US Marshall.

But undoubtedly There will be a more surprising plot twist, but not lay you any haste, just go on like this.

Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 5:19 pm

That's some mighty fine story writin there pilgrim.

Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 5:57 pm

Whoooeeeee. I feel like a kid watching a Western!


OK. I AM like a kid watching a Western.

Edited by - Indy11 on 4/16/2004 7:54:16 PM

Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:05 pm


I hope folks like it. I maythink of another story depending if folks do. Please forgive me if anyone was offended. the copy I have is 13 pages long. If anyone wants one, let me know and I can e-mail it. Thank you all for the fun this has been.


Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:05 pm

Indy - Your a kid full stop .

Nice! I'm a hero! Whehey!

No, thank you Final, for creating a story in the first place! And welcome to the "Port Commodores" club. Feel free to have some brandy and cigars while relaxing in the lounge .

Edited by - esquilax on 4/16/2004 9:35:26 PM

Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 11:04 pm

WOW nice story too bad it had to end email me a copy plz Just a note my email addy has changed in my profile

If you want breakfast in bed....sleep in the kitchen
Some people get lost in thought because it's such unfamiliar territory
I may not be better than anybody else, but at least I am different!
When God handed out good looks, I thought He said school books
So I ordered none

Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 11:09 pm

man the strange people that lurk in the off topic forums

Post Fri Apr 16, 2004 11:22 pm

Nice Story
Thank's for putting me in it.

Post Sat Apr 17, 2004 3:13 am

Uh.... Fd?

It's Kimk, no kkim. Thought maybe you'd like to fix that before Kimk gets back from his tour of duty in examination h***.

Post Sat Apr 17, 2004 5:05 am

Thanks Indy, its corrected on both pages.

sw and pSYCHO, its on its way.


Post Sat Apr 17, 2004 5:38 am

/clap clap

"Some folks will never eat a skunk, but then again some folks'll
like cletus, the slack-jawed yokel"

Post Sat Apr 17, 2004 6:42 am

I second the applause. This is great, email it to me. My email's in the profile.

Now I want one of those "I'm in a western by Finalday, are you?"

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